Spice up your PHP-Scripts with unnecessary progress-bars!

v0.6.0 2024-11-09 17:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 17:43:09 UTC



License: MIT

Are We Done Yet? Spice up your PHP-scripts with progress-bars and more!


Composer (preferred)

composer require robertwesner/awdy

Single file download

  1. Download /dist/AWDY.php.
  2. Include the bundled file in your script:
require __DIR__ . '/AWDY.php';

Require from URL

If you wish to not use composer or manually download a file, you can add following code to your script:

$awdyPath = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'awdy_');
file_put_contents($awdyPath, fopen('https://github.com/RobertWesner/awdy/releases/latest/download/AWDY.php', 'r'));
require $awdyPath;


More details avaiable in the wiki page.

At the beginning of your script

Set up AWDY with your choice of template, optionally with a fixed width and height

// Dynamic size takes the full shell window and reacts to size changes
AWDY::setUp(new SimpleTemplate());

// Fixed width 80 and height 32
AWDY::setUp(new SimpleTemplate(), 80, 32);

Change progress

// Only as percentage
AWDY::progress($i / $maxAmount);

// Including current and maximum value
AWDY::progress($i / $maxAmount, $i, $maxAmount);

Append to log

// Unformatted
AWDY::echo("This is some simple informative text!\n");

// Printf formatting
AWDY::printf('You are %d steps away from your destiny! ', $myNumber);


If the pre-defined templates are not to your liking, take a look at how to create your own.


00:00:23  418/1337 [==========>                      ] Memory[00.12%]:  15659904/134217728


| 13370/13370 [==========================================] |
| 0 is your lucky number!                                  |
| 777 is your lucky number!                                |
| 1554 is your lucky number!                               |
| 2331 is your lucky number!                               |
| 3108 is your lucky number!                               |
| 3885 is your lucky number!                               |
| 4662 is your lucky number!                               |
| 5439 is your lucky number!                               |
| 6216 is your lucky number!                               |
| 6993 is your lucky number!                               |
| 7770 is your lucky number!                               |
| 8547 is your lucky number!                               |
| 9324 is your lucky number!                               |
| 10101 is your lucky number!                              |
| 10878 is your lucky number!                              |
| 11655 is your lucky number!                              |
| 12432 is your lucky number!                              |
| 13209 is your lucky number!                              |


Keeping it simple

Adding some color

Allows dynamic size