
dev-master 2023-08-29 13:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:38:31 UTC



CI License PHPStan Enabled PHP

An event-driven Slim 4 Framework skeleton using AMQP and CQRS


Default installation profile

The default installation profile has no examples. You should be using this profile if you know what's up and want to start with a clean slate.

> composer create-project robiningelbrecht/php-slim-skeleton [app-name] --no-install --ignore-platform-reqs --stability=dev
# Build docker containers
> docker-compose up -d --build
# Install dependencies
> docker-compose run --rm php-cli composer install

Full installation profile

The full installation profile has a complete working example.

> composer create-project robiningelbrecht/php-slim-skeleton:dev-master-with-examples [app-name] --no-install --ignore-platform-reqs --stability=dev
# Build docker containers
> docker-compose up -d --build
# Install dependencies
> docker-compose run --rm php-cli composer install
# Initialize example
> docker-compose run --rm php-cli composer example:init
# Start consuming the voting example queue
> docker-compose run --rm php-cli bin/console app:amqp:consume add-vote-command-queue

Some examples

Registering a new route

namespace App\Controller;

class UserOverviewRequestHandler
    public function __construct(
        private readonly UserOverviewRepository $userOverviewRepository,
    ) {

    public function handle(
        ServerRequestInterface $request,
        ResponseInterface $response): ResponseInterface
        $users = $this->userOverviewRepository->findonyBy(/*...*/);

        return $response;

Head over to config/routes.php and add a route for your RequestHandler:

return function (App $app) {
    // Set default route strategy.
    $routeCollector = $app->getRouteCollector();
    $routeCollector->setDefaultInvocationStrategy(new RequestResponseArgs());
    $app->get('/user/overview', UserOverviewRequestHandler::class.':handle');

Full documentation

Console commands

The console application uses the Symfony console component to leverage CLI functionality.

#[AsCommand(name: 'app:user:create')]
class CreateUserConsoleCommand extends Command
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        // ...
        return Command::SUCCESS;

Full documentation

Domain commands and command handlers

The skeleton allows you to use commands and command handlers to perform actions. These 2 always come in pairs, when creating a new command in the write model, a corresponding command handler has to be created as well.

Creating a new command

namespace App\Domain\WriteModel\User\CreateUser;

class CreateUser extends DomainCommand

Creating the corresponding command handler

namespace App\Domain\WriteModel\User\CreateUser;

class CreateUserCommandHandler implements CommandHandler
    public function __construct(
    ) {

    public function handle(DomainCommand $command): void
        assert($command instanceof CreateUser);

        // Do stuff.

Full documentation


The idea of this project is that everything is, or can be, event-driven. Event sourcing is not provided by default.

Create a new event

class UserWasCreated extends DomainEvent
    public function __construct(
        private UserId $userId,
    ) {

    public function getUserId(): UserId
        return $this->userId;

Record the event

class User extends AggregateRoot
    private function __construct(
       private UserId $userId,
    ) {

    public static function create(
        UserId $userId,
    ): self {
        $user = new self($userId);
        $user->recordThat(new UserWasCreated($userId));

        return $user;

Publish the event

class UserRepository extends DbalAggregateRootRepository
    public function add(User $user): void

Listen to the event

#[AsEventListener(type: EventListenerType::PROCESS_MANAGER)]
class UserNotificationManager extends ConventionBasedEventListener
    public function reactToUserWasCreated(UserWasCreated $event): void
        // Send out some notifications.

Full documentation

Async processing of commands with RabbitMQ

The chosen AMQP implementation for this project is RabbitMQ, but it can be easily switched to for example Amazon's AMQP solution.

Registering new queues

#[AsEventListener(type: EventListenerType::PROCESS_MANAGER)]
class UserCommandQueue extends CommandQueue

Queueing commands

class YourService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly UserCommandQueue $userCommandQueue
    ) {

    public function aMethod(): void
        $this->userCommandQueue->queue(new CreateUser(/*...*/));

Consuming your queue

> docker-compose run --rm php-cli bin/console app:amqp:consume user-command-queue

Full documentation

Database migrations

To manage database migrations, the doctrine/migrations package is used.

class User extends AggregateRoot
    private function __construct(
        #[Id, Column(type: 'string', unique: true, nullable: false)]
        private readonly UserId $userId,
        #[Column(type: 'string', nullable: false)]
        private readonly Name $name,
    ) {

    // ...

You can have Doctrine generate a migration for you by comparing the current state of your database schema to the mapping information that is defined by using the ORM and then execute that migration.

> docker-compose run --rm php-cli vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations diff
> docker-compose run --rm php-cli vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate

Full documentation

Templating engine

The template engine of choice for this project is Twig and can be used to render anything HTML related.

Create a template

    {% for user in users %}
        <li>{{ user.username|e }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

Render the template

class UserOverviewRequestHandler
    public function __construct(
        private readonly Environment $twig,
    ) {

    public function handle(
        ServerRequestInterface $request,
        ResponseInterface $response): ResponseInterface
        $template = $this->twig->load('users.html.twig');

        return $response;

Full documentation


Learn more at these links:

Projects using this skeleton


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.