Laravel Passport provides OAuth2 server support to Laravel. This also has relationships

1.4 2021-03-05 17:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:24:25 UTC



   composer require rubiconinternational/passportr


File Modifications Made for Relationships Support

  1. File Modified: 2016_06_01_000002_create_oauth_access_tokens_table.php

Modification Description: Add incremental primary key to table. Lines 17-18

**Modification Reason:**
    For other projects middlware to associate other relational data and better data structure.
  1. File Modified: PersonalAccessTokenController.php

    Modification Description: Updated store() method to build token Relationship before returning token. Lines 6, and 67-79

    Modification Reason: Create token relationship to carry additional data and join oauth_access_tokens table to relationship table.

  2. File Modified: PersonalAccessTokens.vue

    Modification Description: Added form fields, updated data() fields and store() function to handle fields, and added minor styling. Lines 9-19, 51-55, 76-87, 149-174, 254-256, and 327-329


    Modification Description: For relational data.

  3. Add custom logging call. This will not work on other systems.

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Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use.

Official Documentation

Documentation for Passport can be found on the Laravel website.


Laravel Passport is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.