
The utilities component of the Salient toolkit

v0.99.76 2025-02-26 02:48 UTC


The utilities component of the Salient toolkit

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salient/utils provides utility methods via the stateless classes below.

If your project uses File::find() or File::pruneDir(), salient/iterators must also be installed.

  • Arr works with arrays and other iterables.
  • Date works with date and time values, timezones and intervals.
  • Debug gets data from the call stack.
  • Env manipulates environment variables, loads values from .env files, and applies values from the environment to the script.
  • File works with files, streams and paths, and provides filesystem function wrappers that throw an exception on failure.
  • Format makes data human-readable.
  • Get extracts, converts and generates data. For example:
    • Get::coalesce() is similar to the SQL COALESCE() function
    • Get::code() improves upon var_export()
    • Get::copy() gets a deep copy of an object
    • Get::eol() gets a string's end-of-line sequence
    • Get::uuid() generates or converts a UUID
  • Inflect converts English words to different forms, e.g. from singular to plural.
  • Json provides JSON function wrappers that throw an exception on failure.
  • Package retrieves information from Composer's runtime API, e.g. the name of the root package.
  • Reflect works with PHP's reflection API.
  • Regex provides preg_*() function wrappers that throw an exception on failure.
  • Str manipulates strings. For example:
    • Str::expandLeadingTabs() expands leading tabs to spaces
    • Str::matchCase() matches the case of one string to another
    • Str::ngrams() gets a string's n-grams
    • Str::snake() converts a string to snake_case
    • Str::splitDelimited() safely splits strings that contain delimiters
  • Sys retrieves information about the runtime environment, and provides a handler for exit signals (SIGTERM, SIGINT and SIGHUP).
  • Test performs tests on values.


API documentation for salient/utils tracks the main branch of the toolkit's GitHub repository, where further documentation can also be found.