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dev-master 2015-02-10 15:57 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 16:25:41 UTC


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To use this module in your project you must add dependency in your composer.json:

"require": {
    "samsonos/php_upload": "*"

After doing composer install or composer update you will get all classes and functions of Upload module.


Configuration for Upload module is not necessary, but you can use it if you want to create unique file name or upload dir name for uploading files.
If you will not use configuration, your upload catalog will be called 'upload' and file name will be random generated.

Thanks to SamsonPHP module/service configuration you can create simple config class:

class UploadConfig extends \samson\core\Config
    // Callback function for creating upload dir
    public $uploadDirHandler = 'uploadDirHandler';

    // Callback function for creating file name
    public $fileNameHandler = 'uploadNameHandler';

Create async file uploading

The main feature of current module is asynchronous file uploading. Look at the example.

Example of HTML code

First of all you need to create html container with your file input:

    <input type="hidden" class="__action" value="<?php url_base('catalog/upload'); ?>">
    <input type="hidden" class="__file_size" value="50000000">
    <input class="__example_upload" type="file" name="uploadFile">
  • Input with class "__action" defines handler of your uploading. It can be controller method in your bundle or simple controller function. It always must have class "__action".
  • Input with class "__file_size" defines max size of uploading file. It always must have class "__file_size".
  • Input with class "__example_upload" is input button for choosing file from clients computer. If you are using class name "__upload" for this input, you don't need to create some javascript code in order for everything to work.

Also you can add following feature blocks :

  • Container with class "__progress_text" will show you percents of file uploading.
  • Paragraph tag inside container with class "__progress_bar" will create animation as progress bar of uploading.

Remember, that you must add some css styles for this blocks to use them as you want.

Example of javascript code

If you are using input with class different from "__upload", you need to handle you inputs:

// Cache file input
var file = s('.__example_upload');

// Bind upload event
uploadFileHandler(file, {
    // Handle event before file uploading
    start: function () {
        alert('Uploading started');
    // Handle event after upload finishing
    response: function (response) {
        alert('Uploading finished');

The second parameter in function uploadFileHandler(file, options) is not necessary, you can use it for creating something special while file is uploading.

Example of uploading handler

Server action in our HTML example is controller 'catalog/upload'. Let's create this function:

function catalog_async_upload()
    // Parameter for callback functions
    $parameter = 5;

    // Create AJAX response array
    $json = array('status' => 0);

    // Create object for uploading file to server
    $upload = new \samson\upload\Upload(array('png','jpg'), $parameter);

    if ($upload->upload($filePath, $fileName, $realName) {
        $json['status'] = 1;
        // Add full path to uploaded file into AJAX response
        $json['filePath'] = $filePath;
        // Add uploaded file name into AJAX response
        $json['fileName'] = $fileName;
        // Add real file name (user's file name) into AJAX response
        $json['realName'] = $realName;

    return $json;

To create file upload you need to create class \samson\upload\Upload, constructor of which can have three parameters.

  • First parameter is array of allowable file extensions for uploading file.
  • Second is array of parameters (or just one parameter) for your callback functions. It can be used if you are using module configuration.
  • The third one is configuration class. This is system parameter which default value is m('upload'). Better do not specify it, if you are working with simple upload module.

Method that directly create uploading called upload(& $filePath = '', & $fileName = '', & $realName = ''). You can get main file information using parameters of this method.

Also we can create our callback functions that are defined in configuration class:

* External handler for defining upload catalog
function uploadDirHandler($parameter)
    return 'upload/catalog'.$parameter;

function uploadNameHandler($parameter, $extension)
    return 'item'.$parameter.$extension;

As you see, we have parameter $extension in our name handler function. This parameter is always defined as last parameter of this callback function.
In our case after created callback functions, upload catalog will be called 'upload/catalog5' and file name will be like 'item5'.
Don't forget, that in current example all uploading files will have simple name (maybe different extensions), so you must come up with some logic for using upload file name handler correctly.

Developed by SamsonOS.