samsonos / seo_sitemap
SamsonPHP module for creating sitemap of web-site
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Last update: 2025-03-01 16:46:36 UTC
#SamsonPHP module for creating sitemap of web-site for SamsonPHP framework
Module can automatically create common sitemap or sitemap for different sections (products, categories, etc..) compression using external tools.
Automatic sitemaps generation
For creating sitemap you must visit url [domain]/sitemapcreate
System will automatically create
xml file with general sitemap
###Module Configuration Available two configurable parameters:
array $schema
Array, where key is sitemap name and value is array of callback function, which returns array of elements for creating XNL 'url' objects and url prefix. Also value can contain collection of arraysstring $imageSchemaHandler
Callback function, which returns collection of images for creating XML
##Example configuration class for this module:
class SitemapConfig extends \samson\core\Config { public $__module = 'sitemapcreate'; public $schema = array( 'products' => array( array('getSmallProducts', 'small/'), array('getBigProducts', 'big/') ), 'companies' => array('getCompaniesForSitemap, 'companies/'), 'pages' => array('getPagesForSitemap', ''), ); public $imageSchemaHandler = 'getImagesForSitemap'; }
External handler example
In your configuration you must define your callback functions that must return collection of materials (or structures) for creating sitemap. If you have very big collection of data, we recommend to use two parameters for limiting in your function :
integer $limitStart
Limit start positionboolean & $response
Return true if function must be called again
###Example using parameters
function getBigProducts($limitStart = 0, & $response = false) { $query = dbQuery('material')->cond('type', 2)->limit($limitStart*200, 200); $count_query = clone $query; if ($count_query->count() < 200) { $response = false; } else { $response = true; } return $query->exec(); }
###Simple using example
function getCompaniesForSitemap() { return dbQuery('material')->cond('type', 3)->exec(); }
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