A simple set of functions for PHP debugging

0.1.3 2018-07-10 12:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 15:59:45 UTC


#EZ DEBUG For easy debugging without x-debug. Works both in the browser aswel as in the terminal.

##Installation Install the composer package (https://packagist.org/packages/sanderheijselaar/ezdebug) or download and include the ezDebug.php file in your project

##Quick usage

$data1 = array(
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'Sander Heijselaar',
    'country' => 'NL'

pr($data1, 'Array dump with pr');

Which will output the following:

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As you can see the data is dumped on screen and when you hover on a dump, it will tell you where the location of this dump is. This way you'll never have to search though your code to find all debug lines.

##Usage with the Class

The same can be achieved by using the class

use SanderHeijselaar\EzDebug\EzDebug;
$data1 = array(
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'Sander Heijselaar',
    'country' => 'NL'

EzDebug::pr($data1, 'Array dump with pr');

All methods, except for prdiff & prdiffx will also work on the CLI.

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Below is a list of the available methods that are at your disposal.

For almost every method there's method with the same name with an x behind it. This method will do exactly the same as the method without the x but will also exit at the end of the method.

The same applies for methods that end with an extra d at the end. Those methods do the same thing as the method without the d but will flush the output at the end of the method.

###Arguments Almost every method has the same arguments, for example:

pr($data, $label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')
  • $data is the data that needs to be dumped
  • $label is the optional label that's shown on top of the data
  • $bgcolor is the optional background color. See all the available colors below
  • $color is the optional text color. See all the available colors below

###pr, prd & prx print the debug data on the screen using print_r

pr($data, $label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

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###prv, prvd & prvx print the debug data on the screen using var_export

prv($data, $label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

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###prhe & prhex print the debug data on the screen using htmlentities

prhe($data, $label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

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###prbt & prbtx print the backtrace on the screen using debug_backtrace()

prbt($format = '', $label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

The format is eighter EzDebug::BtFormatFull EzDebug::BtFormatCompact. The compact option is default. Alt text

###prg & prgx print the $_GET var on the screen

prg($label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

There's no $data parameter because this method is dedicated to the use the $_GET as the $data. When no $label is provided, '__GET' will be displayed.

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###prp & prpx print the $_POST var on the screen

prp($label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

There's no $data parameter because this method is dedicated to the use the $_POST as the $data. When no $label is provided, '__POST' will be displayed.

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###prs & prsx print the $_SESSION var on the screen

prs($label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

There's no $data parameter because this method is dedicated to the use the $_SESSION as the $data. When no $label is provided, '__SESSION' will be displayed.

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###prc & prcx print the $_COOKIE var on the screen

prc($label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

There's no $data parameter because this method is dedicated to the use the $_COOKIE as the $data. When no $label is provided, '__COOKIE' will be displayed.

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###prf & prfx print the $_FILES var on the screen

prf($label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

There's no $data parameter because this method is dedicated to the use the $_FILES as the $data. When no $label is provided, '__FILES' will be displayed.

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###prsvr & prsvrx print the $_SERVER var on the screen

prf($label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

There's no $data parameter because this method is dedicated to the use the $_SERVER as the $data. When no $label is provided, '__SERVER' will be displayed.

###prxml, prxmld & prxmlx print formatted XML on the screen

    "<note><to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body></note>", 
    $label = '', 
    $bgcolor = '', 
    $color = ''

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###prta & prtax *print the debug data on the screen using a < texta**rea >

prta($data, $label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

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###prl, prld & prlx *pr**int the current line on the screen

prta($data, $label = '', $bgcolor = '', $color = '')

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###prfile & prfilea *pr**int the data to a file instead of the screen. prfile will clear the file before writing the data to it. prfilea will append the dato the bottom of the file.

prfile($filename, $data)

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###prdiff & prdiffx

prdiff($data1, $data2)

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##Colors To distinguish the dumps when you have a screen filled with them, it's possible to pass any background and/or foreground color. My most used colors are:

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EzDebug::prd('EzDebug::C' . EzDebug::CLightGreen, 'OK', EzDebug::CLightGreen);
EzDebug::prd('EzDebug::C' . EzDebug::COrange, 'NOTIFICATION', EzDebug::COrange);
EzDebug::prd('EzDebug::C' . EzDebug::CLightCoral, 'ERROR', EzDebug::CLightCoral);

You can use the pre defined colors, but any other color code (#fff or green) will work.

###All available colors There are alot of predefined colors in the class


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