
Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) code generator which generates form and input filter depending on database or doctrine 2 meta data.

dev-master 2016-03-16 20:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 22:36:33 UTC


You want to concentrate on the important things in your project and do not waste time with standard goodies?

You want surefire input filter and forms depending on your database or doctrine 2 meta data?

You want forms and input filter that are universally used and combined?

This module comes to the rescue!

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Zend Framework 2 code generator which generates form and input filter depending on database or doctrine 2 meta data. Create new forms and input filter in seconds with your namespace and parent class.


Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to

Put the following into your composer.json

    "require": {
        "sandrokeil/code-generator": "dev-master"

Then add Sake\CodeGenerator to your ./config/application.config.php.


Console Doctrine 2

Before you can use these doctrine commands please make sure you have enabled and configured your cli-config.php for doctrine. For a common example see cli-config.php of this repository.

zf:generate-form [--filter="..."] [--force] [--from-database] [--extend[="..."]] [--namespace[="..."]] [--num-spaces[="..."]] dest-path

Console Zend Framework 2

Generated Classes

At the moment the following classes can be generated:

  • ZF2 Form Fieldsets (Collections)
  • ZF2 Input Filter

Known limitations

Unfortunately is it necessary to change some generated code lines by yourself, because some information is currently missing to make some classes working out of the box.

Form Fieldsets (Collections)

If you have relations (foreign keys) defined in your entities the \DoctrineModule\Persistence\ObjectManagerAwareInterface must be implemented by yourself. Additionally you must set property option for the name of the text which should be displayed in select box.