
A performance-improved and convenient way to deal with PHP Reflection.

v1.2.1 2019-09-03 08:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 11:57:57 UTC


This library provides a performance-improved, and convenient way to deal with PHP Reflection classes.

  • Performance: Reflection is slow if you instantiate it continuously. If you rely on reflection heavily to inspect the same type of classes in one request over and over again, then caching of the created Reflection classes helps a lot.

  • Convenience: Instead of dealing with the object graph of Reflection classes, a facade offers convenient methods to

    • retrieve PHP Reflection classes,
    • getting/setting static and non-static properties of an object or class,
    • invoking static and non-static methods of an object or class.


Use Composer to install this library:

$ composer require scaleupstack/reflection


The public API of this package is available via the ScaleUpStack\Reflection\Reflection class. All methods of the Reflection class are static. (In fact, it is not possible to instantiate it.)

  • Namespace

    use ScaleUpStack\Reflection\Reflection;
  • Methods to retrieve PHP Reflection objects via class name or object:

    Reflection::classByName(string $className) : \ReflectionClass
    Reflection::classByObject(object $object) : \ReflectionClass
    Reflection::propertyOfClass(string $className, string $propertyName) : \ReflectionProperty
    Reflection::propertyOfObject(object $object, string $propertyName) : \ReflectionProperty
    Reflection::allPropertiesOfClass(string $className) : \ReflectionProperty[]
    Reflection::allPropertiesOfObject(object $object) : \ReflectionProperty[]
    Reflection::methodOfClass(string $className, string $methodName) : \ReflectionMethod
    Reflection::methodOfObject(object $object, string $methodName) : \ReflectionMethod
    Reflection::allMethodsOfClass(string $className) : \ReflectionMethod[]
    Reflection::allMethodsOfObject(object $object) : \ReflectionMethod[]

    Please note that classByObject() returns a \ReflectionClass and not a \ReflectionObject.

  • Methods to access static and non-static properties:

    Reflection::getPropertyValue(object $object, string $propertyName) : mixed
    Reflection::getStaticPropertyValue(string $className, string $propertyName) : mixed
    Reflection::setPropertyValue(object $object, string $propertyName, $value) : void
    Reflection::setStaticPropertyValue(string $className, string $propertyName, $value) : void
  • Methods to invoke static and non-static methods:

    Reflection::invokeMethod(object $object, string $methodName, array $arguments) : mixed
    Reflection::invokeStaticMethod(string $className, string $methodName, array $arguments) : mixed

Current State

This library is stable.

Handling of some Reflection features that could (perhaps?) benefit from caching (e.g. getting the parent class) are not implemented yet. But I do not strive for completeness. If you are missing some features, just create a pull request or ask for it, explaining your context/needs.


Thanks that you want to contribute to ScaleUpStack/Reflection.


Please check in the root dir of this package.


ScaleUpVentures Gmbh, Germany
Thomas Nunninger