
Calendar module which provide the ability to block off days.

dev-master 2013-07-18 08:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 16:00:12 UTC


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Calendar module which provide the ability to block off days.


Installation can be done easily via composer by running:

composer.php require sclinternet/bm-calendar

When prompted for a version enter dev-master.

After the composer has completed simple add BmCalendar to the modules section in your application config.

Basic Usage

Simply create a calendar like so:

$calendar = new \BmCalendar\Calendar();

And the use the view helper to display a month in your view:

echo $this->calendar($calendar)->showMonth(2013, 05);

The View Helper

By default the view helper will render a month in a simple HTML table created by BmCalendar\Renderer\HtmlCalendar.

Changing the start day

By default the calendar will render with Monday days in the first column, if you wish to change this you can invoke the view helper like so.

echo $this->calendar($calendar)
          ->showMonth(2013, 5);

Renderer Classes

You can also create your own renderer classes by implementing BmCalendar\Renderer\RendererInterface then tell the view helper to use your renderer instead like so:

echo $this->calendar($calendar)->setRenderer(new MyRenderer())->showMonth(2013, 5);


Alternatively you can customise the rendering process by using partial templates.

To do this simply call the view helper like so:

echo $this->calendar($calendar)->setPartial('partial-name')->showMonth(2013, 5);

The partial will have the following parameters passed to it:

  • $startDay - The day of the week to start the calendar on (int 1-7)
  • $calendar - An instance of BmCalendar\Calendar
  • $month - The month to be rendered (int)
  • $year - The year that the month to be rendered belongs to (int)

Day Providers

Day providers are used to add extra states to a day.

States must implement \BmCalendar\State\DayStateInterface.

A day provider can be implemented like so:

use BmCalendar\DayProviderInterface;
use BmCalendar\Day;
use BmCalendar\Month;

class MyDayProvider implements DayProviderInterface
    public $database;

    public function createDay(Month $month, $dayNo)
        $day = new Day($month, $dayNo);

        $avaliable = $this->database->checkAvailability(

        if (!$available) {
            $day->addState(new BookedState());

            return $day;

        $day->addState(new AvailableState());

        return $day;

To use your day provider simply pass it to the Calendar constructor like so:

$provider = new MyDayProvider();
$provider->database = new AvailabilityDatabasesChecker();

$calendar = new \BmCalendar\Calendar($provider);

Day States

Day states allow you to add values to days in the calendar (e.g. if there is an event on on that day).

Creating a day state class

A day state is a class which implements BmCalendar\State\DayStateInterface which simply provides a static method called type() to identify the state by.

There is also a BmCalendar\State\AbstractDayState class available which can be directly extended which will implement the type() method for you.

You can quickly define a state like so:

use BmCalendar\State\AbstractDayState;

class HasEventState extends AbstractDayState

Using day states

To add a state to a Day object you simply call the addState($state) method:

$day->addState(new HasEventState())

To get a list of all states attached to a Day object you can call


An if you want to check for a specific type of state for a given day you can use the static type() method like so:

$state = $day->getState(HasEventState::type());

If the Day doesn't contain a state of the requested type NULL is returned.