
A useful set of classes and interfaces for storing contact information

dev-master 2014-01-13 14:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 16:57:14 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

This module's main purpose is to provide a set of common interfaces for a persons contact details. It includes interfaces for

  • Contact Objects : SclContact\ContactInterface (aggregates all other interfaces)
  • A persons name : SclContact\PersonNameInterface
  • Phone numbers : SclContact\PhoneNumberInterface
  • Email address : SclContact\EmailInterface
  • Postal address : SclContact\AddressInterface
  • Postcode : SclContact\PostcodeInterface
  • Country : SclContact\CountryInterface

This module also contains a basic implementation of each interface which can be used or extend.


The names of the address properties are based on addresses in the United Kingdom. It will work fine for other countries but it has methods like getCounty() where people from the USA might expect getState().

The contact interface provides for 1 phone number and 1 fax number. A more flexible approach might be to have a flexible number of phone numbers with a type (mobile, fax, home, work, etc).

There are no social network fields, it might make sense to add these in the no so distant future.


Installation is easy via composer, simple run:

php composer.phar require sclinternet/scl-contact:dev-master

Then add SclContact to your ZF2 application's modules config.


2 fieldsets are provided, these are:

  • SclContact\Form\Fieldset\Contact
  • SclContact\Form\Fieldset\Address

To use these it is recommended that you use Zend Framework 2.2's FormElementManager to build your forms.


There are also 2 Hydrators

  • SclContact\Hydrator\ContactHydrator
  • SclContact\Hydrator\AddressHydrator

Again to use these it is recommended that you used Zend Framework 2.2's HydratorManager.


Not yet implementated. Will be done by 0.1 release.


Country objects are assigned to Address objects via a CountryMananger. There is a default SclContact\Country\CountryManager provided which simply returns country objects with with the provided 2 digit country code. However you can implement your own country manager froom SclContact\Country\CountryManagerInterface if you wish to do things like connect up address records with a country table in your database.

Once you have created your own implementation of SclContact\Country\CountryManagerInterface simply specify it in your config like so to use it:

return array(
    'scl_contact' => array(
        'country_manager' => 'MyApplication\MyCountryManager',

Contributing & Using

Feel free to fork or make feature requests.