Working with colors

0.1.3 2016-08-01 07:17 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-28 23:10:42 UTC


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Color is a package to convert between color types.


Via Composer

$ composer require scripturadesign/color




$hex = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\HEX('ff0000'); // New HEX color
$hex = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\HEX('ff0000', '#{code}'); // New HEX color with template
echo $hex->code(); // 'FF0000'
echo $hex; // '#FF0000'
echo $hex->withTemplate('color: #{code};'); // 'color: #FF0000;'

$hex  = $hex->toHEX(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HEX
$rgb  = $hex->toRGB(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\RGB
$hsl  = $hex->toHSL(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HSL
$c256 = $hex->to256(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\C256

Default template



HEX does some sanitizing to support all the various ways a hex color can be written.


123       => '112233'
987654    => '987654'
'aBc'     => 'AABBCC'
'FeDcBa'  => 'FEDCBA'
'#1B5'    => '11BB55'
'#1a2b3c' => '1A2B3C'


Red, Green, Blue

$rgb = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\RGB(255, 0, 0); // New RGB color
$rgb = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\RGB(255, 0, 0, '{red},{green},{blue}'); // New RGB color with template
echo $rgb->red(); // 255
echo $rgb->green(); // 0
echo $rgb->blue(); // 0
echo $rgb->rgb(); // [255, 0, 0]
echo $rgb; // '255,0,0'
echo $rgb->withTemplate('color: rgb({red}, {green}, {blue});'); // 'color: rgb(255, 0, 0);'

$rgb = $rgb->withRed(0); // New instance with red set to 0
$rgb = $rgb->withGreen(255); // New instance with green set to 255
$rgb = $rgb->withBlue(255); // New instance with blue set to 255

$hex  = $rgb->toHEX(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HEX
$rgb  = $rgb->toRGB(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\RGB
$hsl  = $rgb->toHSL(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HSL
$c256 = $rgb->to256(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\C256

Default template



Hue, Saturation, Lightness

$hsl = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\HSL(0, 100, 50); // New HSL color
$hsl = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\HSL(0, 100, 50, '{hue}° {saturation}% {lightness}%'); // New HSL color with template
echo $hsl->hue(); // 0
echo $hsl->saturation(); // 100
echo $hsl->lightness(); // 50
echo $hsl->hsl(); // [0, 100, 50]
echo $hsl; // '0° 100% 50%'
echo $hsl->withTemplate('color: ({hue}, {saturation}%, {lightness}%);'); // 'color: hsl(0, 100%, 50%);'

$hsl = $hsl->withHue(180); // New instance with hue set to 180
$hsl = $hsl->withSaturation(50); // New instance with saturation set to 50
$hsl = $hsl->withLightness(25); // New instance with lightness set to 25

$hex  = $hsl->toHEX(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HEX
$rgb  = $hsl->toRGB(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\RGB
$hsl  = $hsl->toHSL(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HSL
$c256 = $hsl->to256(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\C256

$hsl = $hsl->lighten(10); // New instance that is lightened by 10%
$hsl = $hsl->darken(10); // New instance that is darkened by 10%

$hsl = $hsl->saturate(10); // New instance that is saturated by 10%
$hsl = $hsl->desaturate(10); // New instance that is desaturated by 10%

$mix = $hsl->mix(new \Scriptura\Color\Types\HSL(120, 100, 50)); // Get a new color that is a mix between two colors

Default template

{hue}° {saturation}% {lightness}%


Terminal 256-color 000 - 007: standard colors 008 - 015: high intensity colors 016 - 231: 216 colors 232 - 255: grayscale (black to white)

$c256 = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\C256(196); // New 256 color
$c256 = new \Scriptura\Color\Types\C256(196, '{code}'); // New 256 color with template
echo $c256->code(); // 196
echo $c256; // '196'
echo $c256->withTemplate('\e[48;{code}m'); // '\e[48;196m'

$hex  = $c256->toHEX(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HEX
$rgb  = $c256->toRGB(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\RGB
$hsl  = $c256->toHSL(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\HSL
$c256 = $c256->to256(); // Convert the color to \Scriptura\Color\Types\C256

Default template


Change log

Please see [CHANGELOG][link-changelog] for more information what has changed recently.


The test suite can be run with the following composer script.

$ composer test

Contributing and Forking

Please note that this project is licensed under the MIT license. We encourage forking of this project, but ask that you keep all copyright, attribution notices, and continue to use the MIT license in your fork of the project.

For further details on Contributing guidelines, please read the contributing guide.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.