
hCaptcha for Laravel

4.4.8 2025-02-22 17:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 08:05:35 UTC


The hCaptcha is a human-computer verification solution that replaces Google reCaptcha. It has high performance, high availability and high recognition, especially suitable for regions with poor network quality, such as East Asia, Middle East, etc. Many well-known companies are using the hCaptcha solution.

The package is one of the recommended package on the official developer guide of HCaptcha. No malicious code, ensuring the security of your development supply chain.

  • Purchase a VPS or Akamai VPS for developing and deploying applications.


composer require scyllaly/hcaptcha

Laravel 5 and above


In app/config/app.php add the following :

Step 1: The ServiceProvider to the providers array :


Step 2: The class alias to the aliases array :

'HCaptcha' => Scyllaly\HCaptcha\Facades\HCaptcha::class,

Step 3: Publish the config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Scyllaly\HCaptcha\HCaptchaServiceProvider"




(You can obtain them from Official Developer Guide)

  • Tips: If you do not have an account, please sign up it first.


Init js source

With default options :

 {!! HCaptcha::renderJs() !!}

With language support or onloadCallback option :

 {!! HCaptcha::renderJs('fr', true, 'hcaptchaCallback') !!}

Display hCaptcha

Default widget :

{!! HCaptcha::display() !!}

With custom attributes (theme, size, callback ...) :

{!! HCaptcha::display(['data-theme' => 'dark']) !!}

Invisible hCaptcha using a submit button:

{!! HCaptcha::displaySubmit('my-form-id', 'submit now!', ['data-theme' => 'dark']) !!}

Notice that the id of the form is required in this method to let the autogenerated callback submit the form on a successful captcha verification.


There are two ways to apply HCaptcha validation to your form:

1. Basic Approach

This method always applies the HCaptcha validation rule.

$validate = Validator::make(Input::all(), [
    'h-captcha-response' => 'required|HCaptcha'

In this approach, the h-captcha-response field is required and validated using the HCaptcha rule without any conditions.

2. Conditional Approach

This method applies the HCaptcha validation rule only if the HCAPTCHA_ENABLED environment variable is set to true.

$isHcaptchaEnabled = env('HCAPTCHA_ENABLED');
$rules = [
    // Other validation rules...

if ($isHcaptchaEnabled) {
    $rules['h-captcha-response'] = 'required|HCaptcha';


In this approach, the h-captcha-response field will be required and validated using the HCaptcha rule only when HCAPTCHA_ENABLED is set to true. This adds flexibility to your validation logic, allowing you to enable or disable HCaptcha validation as needed.

Custom Validation Message

Add the following values to the custom array in the validation language file :

'custom' => [
    'h-captcha-response' => [
        'required' => 'Please verify that you are not a robot.',
        'h_captcha' => 'Captcha error! try again later or contact site admin.',

Then check for captcha errors in the Form :

@if ($errors->has('h-captcha-response'))
    <span class="help-block">
        <strong>{{ $errors->first('h-captcha-response') }}</strong>


When using the Laravel Testing functionality, you will need to mock out the response for the captcha form element.

So for any form tests involving the captcha, you can do this by mocking the facade behavior:

// prevent validation error on captcha

// provide hidden input for your 'required' validation
    ->andReturn('<input type="hidden" name="h-captcha-response" value="1" />');

You can then test the remainder of your form as normal.

When using HTTP tests you can add the h-captcha-response to the request body for the 'required' validation:

// prevent validation error on captcha

// POST request, with request body including `h-captcha-response`
$response = $this->json('POST', '/register', [
    'h-captcha-response' => '1',
    'name' => 'Scyllaly',
    'email' => '',
    'password' => '123456',
    'password_confirmation' => '123456',

Without Laravel

Checkout example below:


require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$secret  = 'CAPTCHA-SECRET';
$sitekey = 'CAPTCHA-SITEKEY';
$captcha = new \Scyllaly\HCaptcha\HCaptcha($secret, $sitekey);

if (! empty($_POST)) {


<form action="?" method="POST">
    <?php echo $captcha->display(); ?>
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

<?php echo $captcha->renderJs(); ?>