
A library to assert variable types and values for a model defined using JSON Schema standard (draft-07 and draft-06).

1.4.2 2018-12-07 22:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-08 11:12:44 UTC


Framework agnostic entity/value object library to assert variable types and values for a model defined using JSON Schema standard (draft-07 and draft-06) written in PHP 7.2

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This library is a kind of helper library to generate your own Entity or Value Object models using JSON Schema. It is not expected to use classes in this library directly (See Examples for intended usage section below). To understand differences between Entities and Value Objects read Philip Brown's post on


composer require selami/entity

Value Objects (See the explanation)

  • Objects created using ValueObject are Immutable. This means only data injecting point is its constructor.
  • It validates data on object creation
  • If validation fails it throws InvalidArgumentException.
  • Always use ValueObjectBuilder to create a ValueObject instance.
Convention when using ValueObjectBuilder
  • Uppercase first character of property name.
  • Then add "with" prefix to property name.

i.e. Say our property name is creditCardNumber, then setter method name for this property is withCreditCardNumber.


Say you have a JSON Schema file at ./models/credit-card.json. See the Credit Card Value Object Schema.


use Selami\Entity\ValueObjectBuilder;

$creditCard = ValueObjectBuilder::createFromJsonFile(
	->withCardHolderName('Kedibey Mırmır')

echo $creditCard->cardHolderName;


  • Entities require id property.
  • Entities are mutable.
  • Entities are not automatically validated on object creation.
  • When validation failed it throws InvalidArgumentException.
  • It is possible to partially validate Entities.
  • It can be used to form data validation, data validation before persisting it, etc...


Say you have a JSON Schema file at ./models/profile.json. See the Profile Entity Schema.


use Selami\Entity\Entity;
use stdClass;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid

$id = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
$entity = Entity::createFromJsonFile('./models/profile.json', $id);
$entity->name = 'Kedibey';
$entity->age = 11;
$entity->email = '';
$entity->website = '';
$entity->location = new stdClass();
$entity->location->country = 'TR';
$entity->location->address = 'Kadıköy, İstanbul';
$entity->available_for_hire = true;
$entity->interests = ['napping', 'eating', 'bird gazing'];
$entity->skills = [];
$entity->skills[0] = new stdClass();
$entity->skills[0]->name = 'PHP';
$entity->skills[0]->value = 0;


Partial Validation


use Selami\Entity\Entity;
use stdClass;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid

$id = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();
$entity = Entity::createFromJsonFile('./models/profile.json', $id);
$entity->name = 'Kedibey';
$entity->age = 11;
$entity->email = '';
$entity->website = '';

$partiallyValidateFields = ['name', 'age', 'email', 'website'];


Examples for intended usage

Value Object Example


namespace MyLibrary\ValueObject;

use Selami\Entity\ValueObjectBuilder;

final class CreditCard
    private static $schemaFile = './models/credit-card.json';

    public static function create() : ValueObjectBuilder
        return ValueObjectBuilder::createFromJsonFile(self::$schemaFile);

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use MyLibrary\ValueObject\CreditCard;

$valueObject = CreditCard::create()
    ->withCardHolderName('Kedibey Mırmır')

// Prints "Kedibey Mırmır"

Entity Example


namespace MyLibrary\Entity;

use Selami\Entity\Interfaces\EntityInterface;
use stdClass;
use Selami\Entity\Model;
use Selami\Entity\EntityTrait;

final class Profile implements EntityInterface
	private static $schemaFile = './models/profile.json';

	use EntityTrait;

	public static function create(string $id, ?stdClass $data=null) : EntityInterface
		$model = Model::createFromJsonFile(self::$schemaFile);
		return new static($model, $id, $data);

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;

$id = Uuid::uuid4()->toString();

$entity = Profile::create($id);
$entity->name = 'Kedibey';

// Prints "Kedibey"

// Throws "Selami\Entity\Exception\InvalidArgumentException"