
This bundle adds request IDs to the request and response in your Symfony application.

Installs: 372

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.2.0 2024-07-17 15:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 15:39:24 UTC


This bundle adds request IDs to the request and response in your Symfony application.

Why? It is a great and simple way to add some additional information to logs and to present to users. For example, if a request fails or an exception is thrown you'll be able to show the user the request ID which they can pass on to you to locate their specific issue.


The request ID bundle can be installed at any point during a project's lifecycle.


  • PHP 8.0
  • Symfony 6.0

Install the bundle

Please install the bundle using composer:

composer require semaio/request-id-bundle

Enable the bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding the following line in bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Semaio\RequestId\SemaioRequestIdBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    // ...

Configure the bundle

Now, that the bundle is installed and enabled, you have to add some configuration:

# config/packages/semaio_request_id.yml

    # Service that implements `Semaio\RequestId\Generator\GeneratorInterface`.
    # Defaults to `Semaio\RequestId\Generator\RamseyUuid4Generator`.
    generator_service: ~

    # Service that implements `Semaio\RequestId\Policy\PolicyInterface`.
    # Defaults to `Semaio\RequestId\Policy\DefaultPolicy`.
    policy_service: ~

    # Service that implements `Semaio\RequestId\Provider\ProviderInterface`.
    # Defaults to `Semaio\RequestId\Provider\SimpleRequestIdProvider`.
    provider_service: ~

    # The header which will contain the request ID on the response.
    response_header: "X-Request-Id"

    # The header which will contain the request ID that will be checked on incoming requests.
    request_header: "X-Request-Id"

    # Whether to add the request ID to monolog messages (see below), defaults to true.
    enable_monolog: true

    # Whether to add the twig extension (see below), defaults to true.
    enable_twig: true

    # Configuration for additional generators.
        # Additional configuration for `Md5Generator`
            # Specify which generator should be used to generate a request id that is then hashed by PHP's md5 function.
            # Defaults to `RamseyUuid4Generator`
            generator_service: ~

        # Additional configuration for `PhpUniqidGenerator`. 
        # See for more information about PHP's uniqid function parameters.
            prefix: ''
            more_entropy: false 

How it works

When a request comes in your Symfony application and if your configured policy allows it, the bundle inspects the X-Request-Id header. If present, the given value will be used throught the rest of your request lifecycle in your Symfony application. This lets you use request ID's from somewhere higher up in the stack (like in the web server itself or a load balancer).

If no request ID is found or configured policy rejects using any given X-Request-Id header from the incoming request, the bundle creates a new request ID based on the configured generator. By default, a UUID version 4 request ID is generated (example: 31c70a8e-8a1e-47af-9c31-3285e9bc2eb3).

Before sending the response to the client, the X-Request-Id header is also set on the response using the generated request ID value.



Generators create a random string that will be used as request ID throughout the request lifecycle of your Symfony application.

All generators must implement the Semaio\RequestId\Generator\GeneratorInterface. By default, there are three possible generators:

  • RamseyUuid4Generator
    • This generator creates a UUID v4 request ID by leveraging the ramsey/uuid library.
    • This is the default generator!
  • PhpUniqidGenerator
    • This generator creates a request ID with PHP's native uniqid function.
  • Md5Generator
    • This generator creates a request ID through an injected generator (default: RamseyUuid4Generator) and then hashes the request ID with PHP's native md5 function.


Policies check the incoming request for two reasons:

  • Should a request ID be added to the current request?
  • If the current request already contains a request ID, should this value be trusted or should the bundle create a new request ID?

All policies must implement the Semaio\RequestId\Policy\PolicyInterface. By default, there are two possible policies:

  • DefaultPolicy
    • Allows request ID to be added to the request and also accepts any given incoming request ID.
    • This is the default policy!
  • RejectRequestIdHeaderPolicy
    • Allows request ID to be added to the request but rejects any given incoming request ID.


Providers hold the generated request ID and provide it to any part of your code where you might need the request ID. By default, there is only one provider:

  • SimpleRequestIdProvider
    • Just a simple getter-setter PHP object.
    • This is the default provider!


Monolog integration

This bundle provides a monolog processor which adds the request ID to extra array on the record. This can be turned off by setting enable_monolog to false in bundle configuration.

To use the request ID in your logs, include %extra.request_id% in your formatter. Here's a configuration example from this bundle's tests.


        class: Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter
            - "[%%level_name%% - %%extra.request_id%%] %%message%%"

            type: stream
            level: debug
            formatter: request_id_formatter

Twig integration

This bundle provides a global request_id function in your Twig environment. This can be turned off by setting enable_twig to false in bundle configuration.

Here's an example of a template.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello World!</title>
    <h1>{{ request_id() }}</h1>
