
Provides Comparable and Comparator interfaces and methods to sort and compare objects based on these.

v1.1.1 2015-04-06 10:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 17:53:37 UTC


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This package, formerly known as Comparator Tools, provides sorting of objects that have a Comparable interface and other useful functions with comparison of objects. With these tools the Comparable and Comparator interfaces can be used as known from Java.


The package requires PHP 5.4 or later. The 2.x branch requires PHP 5.6 or later.


Via Composer

$ composer require sgh/comparable


To give your classes the comparable functionality, implement the Comparable interface:

use SGH\Comparable\Comparable;

class Foo implements Comparable
    public function compareTo($object)
        // if $this less than $object,    return -1
        // if $this equals $object,       return 0
        // if $this greater than $object, return 1

The compareTo method will be called with another instance of Foo as parameter and must return a negative integer value if ($this < $object) applies and a positive integer value if ($this > $object) applies, 0 otherwise (the objects are considered equal). Note that non-integer values will be cast to (int), so that 0.5 will be treated as 0.

To sort or compare objects with the Comparable interface, you can use the methods in SortFunctions and SetFunctions.


use SGH\Comparable\SortFunctions;

SortFunctions::multisort($arrayOfFoo, $arbitraryArray, ...);

The first four methods work analogous to the respective core functions sort, asort, rsort and arsort. multisort works like array_multisort in the "sort multiple arrays" mode, i.e. the first passed array is sorted with the Comparable interface, the others are re-ordered in the same way as the first.


use SGH\Comparable\SetFunctions;

$diff = SetFunctions::diff($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ...);
$diff = SetFunctions::diff_assoc($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ...);
$intersect = SetFunctions::intersect($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ...);
$intersect = SetFunctions::intersect_assoc($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ...);
$unique = SetFunctions::unique($arrayOfFoo);

The methods work analogous to the respective core functions array_diff, array_diff_assoc, array_intersect, array_intersect_assoc and array_unique. They treat objects $a and $b as equal if and only if $a->compareTo($b) == 0.


It is also possible to implement the comparison in comparator classes to keep it separated from the objects to compare. This way comparison can be implemented for any values:

use SGH\Comparable\Comparator;

class FooComparator implements Comparator
    public function compare($object1, $object2)
        // if $object1 less than $object2,    return -1
        // if $object1 equals $object2,       return 0
        // if $object1 greater than $object2, return 1

The compare method is defined just like the compareTo method but both objects are passed as parameters.

To use a comparator, pass it as last argument to any method of SetFunctions and SortFunctions:

use SGH\Comparable\SortFunctions;
use SGH\Comparable\SetFunctions;

SortFunctions::sort($arrayOfFoo, new FooComparator);
SortFunctions::asort($arrayOfFoo, new FooComparator);
SortFunctions::rsort($arrayOfFoo, new FooComparator);
SortFunctions::arsort($arrayOfFoo, new FooComparator);
SortFunctions::multisort($arrayOfFoo, $arbitraryArray, ..., new FooComparator);

$diff = SetFunctions::diff($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ..., new FooComparator);
$diff = SetFunctions::diff_assoc($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ..., new FooComparator);
$intersect = SetFunctions::intersect($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ..., new FooComparator);
$intersect = SetFunctions::intersect_assoc($arrayOfFoo1, $arrayOfFoo2, ..., new FooComparator);
$unique = SetFunctions::unique($arrayOfFoo, new FooComparator);

The ObjectComparator

The package comes with an ObjectComparator that compares equality of objects (i.e. if two variables contain the same instance). It provides no useful sort order but can be used with the methods in SetFunctions (the core functions array_diff etc. cannot compare objects, they try to cast them to string for comparison).

use SGH\Comparable\SetFunctions;
use SGH\Comparable\Comparator\ObjectComparator;

$diff = SetFunctions::diff($arrayOfObjects1, $arrayOfObjects2, new ObjectComparator);
// .. and so on

The following shortcut methods exist:

SetFunctions::objectsDiff($arrayOfObjects1, $arrayOfObjects2);
SetFunctions::objectsIntersect($arrayOfObjects1, $arrayOfObjects2);


You can sort iterators as well. Due to the nature of iterators, this means essentially that they get iterated over once, and you get an ArrayIterator with all resulting items, sorted. To sort an iterator, decorate it with the SortedIterator like this:

use SGH\Comparable\SortFunctions;

$sortedIterator = SortFunctions::sortedIterator($iterator);


The default comparator throws a ComparatorException if one of the objects does not implement the Comparable interface.

You are encouraged to throw a ComparatorException in your compare() or compareTo() implementations if the objects are not comparable to each other. In most cases you should do it if the objects are not of expected type.


$ phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.