
Bangladeshi stock exchange (share market) stock price data fetch with PHP. Get Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) stock price data

4.0.0 2020-05-17 22:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:37:15 UTC


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Dhaka Stock Exchange & Chittagong Stock Exchange Pricing Data Library in PHP

Bangladesh Stock Exchange

This PHP library provides a simple way to get and parse the stock price for Dhaka Stock Exchange & Chittagong Stock Exchange in real time directly from the official website.


Install this library via composer by running the following command

composer require shahariaazam/bd-stock-exchange

Note: This library has been upgraded from it's old (legacy) code and made it as a standard library. if you still want to use legacy (OLD) codes, you can find that in old-legacy-codes branch.

Or you can download OLD codes as zip. Click here to download old codes.


After installing you can simply get the latest Dhaka Stock Exchange price data

Get Bangladeshi Stock Exchange Share Price


use ShahariaAzam\BDStockExchange\StockExchange\ChittagongStockExchange;
use ShahariaAzam\BDStockExchange\StockExchange\DhakaStockExchange;
use ShahariaAzam\BDStockExchange\StockPrice;

require "vendor/autoload.php";

$dse = new DhakaStockExchange();    // For Dhaka Stock Exchange
// $cse = new ChittagongStockExchange();    // For Chittagong Stock Exchange

$stock = new StockPrice();
var_dump($stock->getPricing());     // Return PricingEntity[]
var_dump($stock->toArray());        // Return as array

And you are done. You will get the following output. Array of PricingEntity

array(350) {
  [0] =>
  class ShahariaAzam\BDStockExchange\PricingEntity#20 (6) {
    private $company =>
    string(9) "1JANATAMF"
    private $lastTradeValue =>
    private $changeInAmount =>
    private $changeInPercentage =>
    private $highPrice =>
    private $lowPrice =>

Docker Image

You can also use Docker. To use Docker, you can find the image on Docker Hub or you can build Docker image from this repo.

To get the latest Bangladeshi Stock Market price via Docker, run the following command -

docker run -it --rm shaharia/bd-stock-price:latest php bin/stock dse --json
dse = Dhaka Stock Exchange
cse = Chittagong Stock Exchange
--json = Display in a JSON format
--line = Display as new line for each stock

If you want to build your own Docker image, run -

docker build . --tag IMAGE:TAG


This is a helpful PHP library for programmers who want to get the latest Bangladesh stock exchange market data in their PHP application.

I always welcome any people who want to contribute to this library if it helps. You can contribute by doing -

To see all the contributors, please click here



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