
PHP client for Aamarpay Payment Gateway API

v2.0.0 2021-08-09 21:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 04:19:14 UTC


php-aamarpay-payment is a PHP client for Aamarpay Payment Gateway API. This package is also support Laravel and Lumen.


Go to terminal and run this command

composer require shipu/php-aamarpay-payment

Wait for few minutes. Composer will automatically install this package for your project.

For Laravel

Below Laravel 5.5 open config/app and add this line in providers section


For Facade support you have add this line in aliases section.

'Aamarpay'   =>  Shipu\Aamarpay\Facades\Aamarpay::class,

Then run this command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shipu\Aamarpay\AamarpayServiceProvider"


This package is required three configurations.

  1. store_id = your store id in Aamarpay Payment Gateway.
  2. signature_key = your signature key in Aamarpay Payment Gateway
  3. sandbox = true for sandbox and false for live
  4. redirect_url = your application redirect url after success and fail.

php-aamarpay-payment is take an array as config file. Lets services

use Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;

$config = [
    'store_id' => 'Your store id',
    'signature_key' => 'Your signature key',
    'sandbox' => true,
    'redirect_url' => [
        'success' => [
            'route' => 'payment.success'
        'cancel' => [
            'route' => 'payment.cancel' 

$payment = new Aamarpay($config);

For Laravel

This package is also support Laravel. For laravel you have to configure it as laravel style.

Go to config\aamarpay.php and configure it with your credentials.

return [
    'store_id' => 'Your store id',
    'signature_key' => 'Your signature key',
    'sandbox' => true,
    'redirect_url' => [
        'success' => [
            'route' => 'payment.success'
        'cancel' => [
            'route' => 'payment.cancel' 


  • Mandatory input field name
    • tran_id // auto generate by this package
    • cus_name
    • cus_email
    • cus_phone
    • desc
    • currency // auto generate by this package
    • amount

Getting Payment Post Url


use \Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;


$payment = new Aamarpay($config);
return $payment->paymentUrl();

In Laravel:

use \Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;


$payment = new Aamarpay(config('aamarpay'));
return $payment->paymentUrl();

Getting Hidden Input Field

use \Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;


$payment = new Aamarpay(config('aamarpay'));
return $payment->customer([
    'cus_name'  => 'Shipu Ahamed', // Customer name
    'cus_email' => '', // Customer email
    'cus_phone' => '01616022669' // Customer Phone

Where Transaction id is random value. you can generate by yourself or follow bellow steps:

use \Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;


$payment = new Aamarpay(config('aamarpay'));
return $payment->customer([
    'cus_name'  => 'Shipu Ahamed', // Customer name
    'cus_phone' => '01616022669' // Customer Phone
    'cus_email' => '', // Customer email


return $payment->customer([
    'cus_name'  => 'Shipu Ahamed', // Customer name
    'cus_phone' => '01616022669' // Customer Phone
    'cus_email' => '', // Customer email

Default currency is BDT . For change currency:

return $payment->customer([
    'cus_name'  => 'Shipu Ahamed', // Customer name
    'cus_phone' => '01616022669' // Customer Phone
    'cus_email' => '', // Customer email

Generate Transaction Id

use \Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;


$payment = new Aamarpay(config('aamarpay'));
return $payment->generateTransaction();

Checking Valid Response

use \Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;


$payment = new Aamarpay(config('aamarpay'));
return $payment->valid($request);

Checking valid response with amount:

use \Shipu\Aamarpay\Aamarpay;


$payment = new Aamarpay(config('aamarpay'));
return $payment->valid($request, '3500'); 

Where $request will appear after post response.

In Blade

Getting Payment Post Url

{{ aamarpay_payment_url() }}

Getting Hidden Input Field

        'tran_id'   => '21005455540', // random number. if you don't set this it will be auto generate.
        'cus_name'  => 'Shipu Ahamed', // Customer name
        'cus_email' => '', // Customer email
        'cus_phone' => '01616022669' // Customer Phone
    ], 3500) 
        'tran_id'   => '21005455540', // random number. if you don't set this it will be auto generate.
        'cus_name'  => 'Shipu Ahamed', // Customer name
        'cus_email' => '', // Customer email
        'cus_phone' => '01616022669' // Customer Phone
    ], 3500, 'T-shirt', 'BDT') 

Complete Post Button View

    'cus_name'  => 'Shipu Ahamed', // Customer name
    'cus_email' => '', // Customer email
    'cus_phone' => '01616000000' // Customer Phone
], 2000, '<i class="fa fa-money">Payment</i>', 'btn btn-sm btn-success') 


Route::post('payment/success', 'YourMakePaymentsController@paymentSuccess')->name('payment.success');
Route::post('payment/failed', 'YourMakePaymentsController@paymentFailed')->name('payment.failed');
Route::post('payment/cancel', 'YourMakePaymentsController@paymentCancel')->name('payment.cancel');


Route::post('payment/success', 'YourMakePaymentsController@paymentSuccessOrFailed')->name('payment.success');
Route::post('payment/failed', 'YourMakePaymentsController@paymentSuccessOrFailed')->name('payment.failed');
Route::post('payment/cancel', 'YourMakePaymentsController@paymentSuccessOrFailed')->name('payment.cancel');
Controller Method
use Shipu\Aamarpay\Facades\Aamarpay;


public function paymentSuccessOrFailed(Request $request)
    if($request->get('pay_status') == 'Failed') {
        return redirect()->back();
    $amount = 3500;
    $valid  = Aamarpay::valid($request, $amount);
    if($valid) {
        // Successfully Paid.
    } else {
       // Something went wrong. 
    return redirect()->back();

To Disable CSRF token

Open app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php and adding :

protected $except = [


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