
A multi-gateway payment platform for PHP

v4.3.1 2025-02-26 03:14 UTC


Build Status StyleCI

Supported Gateways:

  • Bogus
  • Conekta
  • Manual
  • MercadoPago
  • OpenPay
  • PayPal Express / Plus
  • Sr Pago
  • Stripe


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require shoperti/payme.

"require": {
  "shoperti/payme": "4.0-dev"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update


// Create a new PayMe instance choosing the driver
$config = [
    'driver'      => 'stripe',
    'private_key' => 'secret_key',
    'public_key'  => 'public_key',

$payme = new Shoperti\PayMe\PayMe($config);
// or
$payme = PayMe::make($config);

// Make a charge
$response = $payme->charges()->create('100', 'tok_test', []);

if (!$response->success()) {
    return ':(';

return 'Hurray!';

You can also use our factory.

$payme = new Shoperti\PayMe\PayMeFactory();

// Make a charge
$response = $payme->make($config)->charges()->create('100', 'tok_test', []);

if (!$response->success()) {
    return ':(';

return 'Hurray!';

See the tests for more examples.

If you are looking for the old API we still have branch 1.0


  • Add Missing Gateways tests
  • Add Credit Card object
  • Create a Laravel Bridge
  • Add more gateways


PayMe is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).