
PHP API client for

dev-master 2014-02-19 03:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 06:02:44 UTC


See exmaple.php file for usage examples Be sure to run composer autoload

 composer.phar dump-autoload -o
  • API Client classes
  • api-client : initialization, auth, test, subscriptions, lightboxes
  • images : id, search, categories, similar, recommendations, subscriptions(download), download history
  • lightboxes : id, extended, images, public_url
  • videos : id, search, download history


//REST Client

$presto = new Presto\Presto();

//Response processor

$response = new Shutterstock\Response();

// Create API instance, pass in REST client and Response processor

$api = new Shutterstock\Api('[api username]','[api key]', $presto, $response);

// Authenticate a user, will return a token for user on additional calls


// Set username and token to use for API calls

$api->setUser('['username]', '[auth token]');