
Allow to upload files directly in Doctrine entities, based on oneup/uploader-bundle and jQuery-file-upload

v1.2.9 2020-01-30 16:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:19:55 UTC


This bundle allows you to define Doctrine entities linked to a virtual filesystem entry through the Flysystem storage layer.

This means that when uploading a file, it will automatically create a corresponding entity in your database matching your resource type.

WARNING: These entities are meant to be associated to other Doctrine entities, not really managed by themselves: If you want to add a title and a description to a file, create a different entity and create an association to the resource.

The upload part is handled by the Oneup Uploader Bundle with very little magic added to it.

This documentation is a work in progress, the bundle is working as is but might require more configuration than what is explained here.


You will need to include jQuery in your project on your own.

$ composer require sidus/file-upload-bundle

Update your Kernel:


class AppKernel
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            // ...
            new Oneup\UploaderBundle\OneupUploaderBundle(),
            new Oneup\FlysystemBundle\OneupFlysystemBundle(),
            new Sidus\FileUploadBundle\SidusFileUploadBundle(),
            // ...
        // ...

Note: The order is very important because we override some parameters frop Oneup.

Additional configuration in your composer.json to expose the jquery-fileupload vendor in public directory of this bundle.

    "scripts": {
        "symfony-scripts": [
            // Append this before the clear-cache script

Configuration example for OneUploader using Flysystem with local filesystem.

Note that in order for Sidus/FileUpload to work, the keys for the OneUploader, Flysystem and Sidus must match.

# one uploader
            frontend: blueimp
                type: flysystem
                filesystem: oneup_flysystem.document_filesystem
            max_size: 64000000

                directory: '%kernel.root_dir%/../var/data/resources'
            adapter: my_adapter

Note the reference in Oneup Uploader to the Flysystem filesystem :

document -> oneup_flysystem.document_filesystem

Now define your uploadable entities, being careful with the configuration keys

        document: # This key will be the entrypoint to any fileupload form widget
            entity: MyNamespace\AssetBundle\Entity\Document
            filesystem: document # Optional, defaults to configuration key
            uploader: document # Optional, defaults to configuration key

Add the upload routes to your routing:

    resource: "@SidusFileUploadBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

Minimum requirements for your entity


namespace MyNamespace\AssetBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Sidus\FileUploadBundle\Entity\Resource;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Sidus\FileUploadBundle\Entity\ResourceRepository")
class Document extends Resource
     * @return string
    public static function getType()
        return 'document'; // Must match your mapping key

Load the necessary CSS and JS in your layout (there are many way to do this)



To load the widget on document initialization (not exactly the proper way to do it...)

$(document).find('.fileupload-widget').each(function () {

When creating a form, you can simply use the "sidus_resource" type to declare the field as an upload. You will only require to set the "resource_type" options corresponding to the entity you want to use.


If you want the Symfony serializer support, you also need to require this:

$ composer require sidus/base-serializer-bundle

You need to enable these bundles in your kernel:


class AppKernel
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            // ...
            new Sidus\BaseBundle\SidusBaseBundle(),
            new Sidus\BaseSerializerBundle\SidusBaseSerializerBundle(),
            // Then the one documented in the install process
            new Oneup\UploaderBundle\OneupUploaderBundle(),
            new Oneup\FlysystemBundle\OneupFlysystemBundle(),
            new Sidus\FileUploadBundle\SidusFileUploadBundle(),
            // ...
        // ...

And last, you need to enable serializer support in the configuration:

    enable_serializer: true