
Rich filter header component from GridField

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3.0.0 2023-12-22 00:17 UTC


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This GridField component is intended to replace the default GridFieldFilterHeader component and provide rich functionality not available in the original.

Here is a brief comparison of these components:

GridFieldFilterHeader (original component)

  • no filter related configuration available
  • filtering only works if GridField column name matches DB column name, which is not the case in many situations (date fromatting, column content getter function)
  • TextField is always used as a filter input FormField
  • PartialMatchFilter is always used for filtering
  • filtering is always applied to the DB field of respective GridField column
  • it's not possible to NOT display a filter

RichFilterHeader (component in this module)

  • filters are fully configurable
  • you can specify the mapping between GridField column name and DB column name so you can freely use features like date fromatting, column content getter function
  • you can choose to use any FormField in your filters, TextField is used only as a default
  • FormFields which use XHR like AutoCompleteField are supported as well
  • any SearchFilter can be used, PartialMatchFilter is used only as a default
  • you can filter based on any data by specifying your own filter method

Overall this module allows you to fully customise your GridField filters including rare edge cases and special requirements.


  • table header component needs to be present in the GridField (for example GridFieldSortableHeader)
  • the last column of the table needs to have a vacant header cell so the filter widget could be displayed there
  • for example you can't have the last column with sorting header widget and filter widget at the same time


composer require silverstripe-terraformers/gridfield-rich-filter-header

Basic configuration

Full filter configuration format looks like this:

'GridField_column_name' => [
    'title' => 'DB_column_name',
    'filter' => 'search_filter_type',

Concrete example:

'Expires.Nice' => [
    'title' => 'Expires',
    'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',

search_filter_type can be any SearchFilter, see search filter documentation for more information

Shorter configuration formats are available as well:

Field mapping version doesn't include filter specification and will use PartialMatchFilter. This should be used if you are happy with using PartialMatchFilter

'GridField_column_name' => 'DB_column_name',

Whitelist version doesn't include filter specification nor field mapping. This configuration will use PartialMatchFilter and will assume that both GridField_column_name and DB_column_name are the same.


Multiple filters configuration example:


$sort = new RichSortableHeader();
$filter = new RichFilterHeader();
        'getFancyTitle' => 'Title',
        'Expires.Nice' => [
            'title' => 'Expires',
            'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',

$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($sort, GridFieldPaginator::class);
$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($filter, GridFieldPaginator::class);

If no configuration is provided via setFilterConfig method, filter configuration will fall back to searchable_fields of the DataObject that is listed in the GridField. If searchable_fields configuration is not available, summary_fields will be used instead.

Make sure you add the RichFilterHeader component BEFORE the GridFieldPaginator otherwise your pagination will be broken since you always want to filter before paginating. Sort header component also needs to be replaced to allow the filter expand button to be shown.

Field configuration

Any FormField can be used for filtering. You just need to add it to filter configuration like this:

    'Expires' => DateField::create('', ''),

Name of the field can be left empty as it is populated automatically. I recommend to leave the title empty as well as you probably don't need to display it as it is redundant to GridField column header title in most cases.

Filter methods

This configuration covers most edge cases and special requirements where standard SearchFilter is not enough. If filter method is specified for a field, it will override the standard filter. Filter method is a callback which will be applied to the DataList and you are free to add any functionality you need inside the callback. Make sure that your callback returns a DataList with the same DataClass as the original.

    'Title' => function (DataList $list, $name, $value) {
        // my custom filter logic is implemented here
        return $filteredList;

Note that $name will have the value of DB_column_name from your config.

For your convenience there are couple of filter methods available to cover some cases.

  • AllKeywordsFilter - will split the text input by space into keywords and will search for records that contains ALL keywords
  • ManyManyRelationFilter - will search for records that have relation to a specific record via many_many relation

Both of these filters can be used in setFilterMethods like this:

    'Title' => RichFilterHeader::FILTER_ALL_KEYWORDS,

Additional examples

Example #1

  • filter with AutoCompleteField and filtering by AllKeywordsFilter filter method
  • filter with DateField and filtering by StartsWithFilter

$sort = new RichSortableHeader();
$filter = new RichFilterHeader();
        'DisplayDateEnd.Nice' => [
            'title' => 'DisplayDateEnd',
            'filter' => 'StartsWithFilter',
        'Label' => $dealsLookup = AutoCompleteField::create('', ''),
        'DisplayDateEnd' => DateField::create('', ''),
        'Label' => RichFilterHeader::FILTER_ALL_KEYWORDS,
    ->setSourceSort('Label ASC')
$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($sort, GridFieldPaginator::class);
$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($filter, GridFieldPaginator::class);

AutoCompleteField DateField

Example #2

  • filter with DropdownField and filtering with ManyManyRelationFilter

Note that the items that are listed in the GridField have a many_many relation with TaxonomyTerm called TaxonomyTerms


$sort = new RichSortableHeader();
$filter = new RichFilterHeader();
        'Label' => 'TaxonomyTerms',
        'TaxonomyTerms' => DropdownField::create(
            TaxonomyTerm::get()->sort('Name', 'ASC')->map('ID', 'Name')
        'TaxonomyTerms' => RichFilterHeader::FILTER_MANY_MANY_RELATION,
$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($sort, GridFieldPaginator::class);
$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($filter, GridFieldPaginator::class);


Example #3

  • filter with TextField (with custom placeholder text) and custom filter method

Our custom filter method filters records by three different DB columns via PartialMatch filter.


$sort = new RichSortableHeader();
$filter = new RichFilterHeader();
        'Label' => $label = TextField::create('', ''),
        'Label' => function (DataList $list, $name, $value) {
            return $list->filterAny([
                'Label:PartialMatch' => $value,
                'TitleLineOne:PartialMatch' => $value,
                'TitleLineTwo:PartialMatch' => $value,

$label->setAttribute('placeholder', 'Filter by three different columns');
$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($sort, GridFieldPaginator::class);
$gridFieldConfig->addComponent($filter, GridFieldPaginator::class);

Example #4

  • full code example on setup for has_one relation using a DropdownField

This example covers

  • Player (has one Team)
  • Team (has many Player)
  • PlayersAdmin

namespace App\Models;

use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\ORM\HasManyList;

 * @property string $Title
 * @method HasManyList|Player[] Players()
class Team extends DataObject
     * @var string
    private static $table_name = 'Team';

     * @var array
    private static $db = [
        'Title' => 'Varchar',

     * @var array
    private static $has_many = [
        'Players' => Player::class,

namespace App\Models;

use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;

 * @property string $Title
 * @property int $TeamID
 * @method Team Team()
class Player extends DataObject
     * @var string
    private static $table_name = 'Player';

     * @var array
    private static $db = [
        'Title' => 'Varchar',

     * @var array
    private static $has_one = [
        'Team' => Team::class,

     * @var array
    private static $summary_fields = [
        'Team.Title' => 'Team',

namespace App\Admin;

use App\Models\Player;
use App\Models\Team;
use SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin;
use SilverStripe\Forms\DropdownField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\Form;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldFilterHeader;
use SilverStripe\Forms\GridField\GridFieldPaginator;
use Terraformers\RichFilterHeader\Form\GridField\RichFilterHeader;

class PlayersAdmin extends ModelAdmin
     * @var array
    private static $managed_models = [
        Player::class => ['title' => 'Players'],

     * @var string
    private static $menu_title = 'Players';

     * @var string
    private static $url_segment = 'players';

     * @param mixed|null $id
     * @param FieldList|null $fields
     * @return Form
    public function getEditForm($id = null, $fields = null): Form
        $form = parent::getEditForm($id, $fields);

        /** @var GridField $gridField */
        $gridField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName('App-Models-Player');

        if ($gridField) {
            // Default sort order
            $config = $gridField->getConfig();

            // custom filters
            $sort = new RichSortableHeader();
            $filter = new RichFilterHeader();
                    'Team.Title' => [
                        'title' => 'TeamID',
                        'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',
                    'TeamID' => $team = DropdownField::create(
                        Team::get()->sort('Title', 'ASC')->map('ID', 'Title')

            $team->setEmptyString('-- select --');
            $config->addComponent($sort, GridFieldPaginator::class);
            $config->addComponent($filter, GridFieldPaginator::class);

        return $form;

We can now filter players by teams.
