
Random texts to be used as styleguide props

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v1.2.0 2023-06-11 12:39 UTC


Deterministic randomized text generator for styleguide props

Presentational components for the monocle styleguide tend to have longish @styleguide.props that are hard to maintain, tend to overshadow the actual component and often do not provide enough diversion to actually test different text lengths.

ChitChat generates pseudo random texts that can be used in styleguide props. The texts are generated uniquely for each insertion point (fusion path) using pseudo random numbers.

The implementation was inspired by the js library getlorem Also the word list we use started as a copy from getlorem.

Authors & Sponsors

The development and the public-releases of this package is generously sponsored by our employer


Sitegeist.ChitChat is available via packagist and can be installed with the command composer require sitegeist/chitchat.

We use semantic-versioning so every breaking change will increase the major-version number.


The Line and Text prototypes generate a pseudo random text. The text is much longer and structured as multiple sentences. Both prototypes allow to enable formatting via links, strong and em.

prototype(Sitegeist.ChitChat:CardExample) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
    @styleguide {
        title = "ChitChat CardExample"
        props {
            # a short text without formatting
            title = Sitegeist.ChitChat:Line
            # a textblock with multiple sentences and some formatting
            description = Sitegeist.ChitChat:Text {
                length = 250
                link = true
                strong = true
                em = true

    title = null
    description = null

    renderer = afx`

For simulating longer and formatted texts chitchat brings prototypes to simulate Html Headings, Paragraphs and Lists. Those allow to specify the expected structure of the content prop. Together with the afx syntax this allows to efficiently mock larger texts.

prototype(Sitegeist.ChitChat:TextExample) < prototype(Neos.Fusion:Component) {
    @styleguide {
        title = "ChitChat TextExample"
        props {
            # a block with mutltiple headlines paragraphs and lists
            content = afx`
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:H1 />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:H2 />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:P />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:P />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:P />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:H3 />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:UL />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:H3 />
              <Sitegeist.ChitChat:OL />

    content = null

    renderer = afx`

Base Prototypes

The base prototypes Text and Line will create text without block formatting whule
Number creates integer numbers.

  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:Text: (string) long textblock containing multiple sentences
  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:Line: (string) short textblock without
  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:Number: (int)

All prototypes have the properties:

  • probability (string|null) the name of the probability as configured in the settings.
  • seed (string|null) the source of randomness in addition to the fusion path

The Text and Line prototypes support in addition:

  • dictionary (string|null) the name of the dictionaries as configured in the settings
  • length (int|100 bzw. 500) the maximal length the text should have
  • variance (float|0.5) the factor the actual length can be smaller than the configured length.
  • link (bool|false) add links to some items <a href="#">...</s>
  • strong (bool|false) make some items bold <strong>...</strong>
  • em (bool|false) emphasize some items <em>...</em>

The Number prototype supports in addition:

  • min (int|0) the minimal number to create
  • max (int|100) the maximal number to create

Textblock Fusion Prototypes

The textblocks extend the base prototypes with block formatting. Otherwise they support the same properties as Text and Line.

  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:H1: (string) A sentence in a h1-tag
  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:H2: (string) A sentence in a h2-tag
  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:H3: (string) A sentence in a h3-tag
  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:H4: (string) A sentence in a h4-tag
  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:P: (string) A sentence in a p-tag with links, strong and em

List Fusion Prototypes

The list prototypes extend the base prototypes with list formatting. The prototypes have the properties as the base prototypes, in addition the property number allows to specify how many items are to be generated.

  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:UL: (string) Multiple sentences as unordered list with links, strong and em
  • Sitegeist.ChitChat:OL: (string) Multiple sentences as ordered list with links, strong and em

Additional properties:

  • number (int|5) the number of items to generate ... defaults to a random number between 5 and 10


The configuration allows to configure alternate implementations for


    # the dictionary and probability to use if nothing else is specified
      dictionary: pseudoLatin
      probability: predictable

    # providers for random numbers
      predictable: 'Sitegeist\ChitChat\Domain\PredictableProbabilityProvider'
      random: 'Sitegeist\ChitChat\Domain\RandomProbabilityProvider'

    # dictionaries
      pseudoLatin: 'Sitegeist\ChitChat\Domain\PseudoLatinDictionaryProvider'

Randomness vs predictability

While predictable text generation is important for stable tests and therefore is the default. The testing of frontend prototypes sometimes benefits from completely random texts that are regenerated on every call.

To allow this the probability mode can be configured via setting Setting or fusion path probability. By default the modes random and predictable are available.

Replacing the dictionary or "how to speak klingon"

To implement custom dictionaries you can provide alternate implementations of the interface \Sitegeist\ChitChat\Domain\DictionaryProviderInterface.

The dictionaries are registered via Setting.yaml:

      klingon: 'Vendor\Example\KlingonDictionaryProvider'

And can later be used like this:

text = Sitegeist.ChitChat:Text {
  dictionary = 'klingon'


We will gladly accept contributions. Please send us pull requests.