
JSON Schema integration for Neos.Flow

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Build APIs with autogenerated OpenApi-Specs by using scalar Types, data transfer objects (DTOs) and collections of DTOs.



  • Controllers extend Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Application\OpenApiController
  • ControllerActions must accept and return supported types.
  • Supported Types are scalar Values, DTOs and Collections of DTOs plus an exception for PHP Date objects.


  • Simpler Controller logic!
  • Controllers can be fully analyzed!
  • Controllers can be tested via UnitTests!
  • OpenApi Documentation is generated on the fly and cannot deviate from the facts.
  • Return types and other details can be defined via Attributes.


  • Everything going in an out must use named and supported types.
  • You must not use plain arrays as type.
  • Other than in method returns union types are not yet supported.

Authors & Sponsors

The development and the public-releases of this package is generously sponsored by our employer

Build APIs

Configure OpenAPI Documents

The package allows to specify multiple OpenAPI documents. Each class that extends \Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Application\OpenApiController and matches one of the configured classNames patterns will be included into the api document.

        name: "Example OpenApi document"
          - 'Vendor\Example\Controller\*'

The configured OpenApi Documents spec can than be rendered via cli ./flow openapidocument:render {name} or via url-path /openapi/document/{name}.

Create OpenApi Controllers

OpenApi endpoints that are included in the generated documents are all *Action methods inside controllers that extends the Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Application\OpenApiController and are reachable via Routing. Controllers must specify the type of each parameter and also the return type.

!!! For now union-types are only allowed in return values of Action methods. !!!

namespace Vendor\Example\Controller;

use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Application\OpenApiController;
use Vendor\Example\Dto;

class ExampleOpenApiController extends OpenApiController
    public function indexAction(Query $query, string $language = 'de'): Dto\AddressCollection|Dto\NotFoundResponse {

PHP Attributes

The following PHP Attributes allow to specify the details of the parameter and schema handling.

  • ControllerAction Parameters
    • \Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Domain\Metadata\RequestBody a single method parameter can be marked a being the request body
    • \Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Domain\Metadata\Parameter all other parameters can be marked as being transferred via query, path, header or cookie. If a parameter has no attributes it is handled as query parameter.
  • DTO Classes
    • \Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Domain\Metadata\Response the response Attribute allows to mark a dto with a status-code other than 200.
    • \Sitegeist\SchemeOnYou\Domain\Metadata\Schema the schema Attribute specifies a name and description for a DTO if that is not to be derived from the PHP name.

Supported Types

The following property types are supported by this package. You will notice the absence of arrays here but data transfer objects (DTOs) and collections which allow much finer control about property conversion.

Scalar Values

Values of type string, int, float, and bool are allowed directly by OpenApi and need no transformation.

!!! null is not allowed as a single type. However, nullable values are allowed !!!

PHP Date Objects

Objects of type \DateTime, \DateTimeImmutable, \DateInterval are allowed as exceptions. The values are serialized as string with a predefined format.

Backed Enums

Value backed enums are supported by converting to and from the underlying value.

Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)

A supported data transfer object has to adhere to the following rules:

  • The class is readonly
  • The class has a public constructor
  • All parameters in the constructor are public, promoted and of a supported type
  • The number of properties equals the number of constructor arguments
final readonly class Address
    public function __construct(
        public string $streetAddress,
        public ?string $addressRegion,
        public ?string $addressCountry = 'DE',
        public ?string $postOfficeBoxNumber = null
    ) {

If the DTO has a single property of name value it is serialized as that single value. In all other cases the DTO is serialized as an array of all constructor properties.

final readonly class Identifier
    public function __construct(
        public string $value,
    ) {

Collection of DTO Objects

A supported collection object has to adhere to the following rules:

  • The class is readonly
  • The class has a public constructor
  • The constructor has a single variadic parameter of a supported type
  • The class has a single public, readonly property
final readonly class AddressCollection
     * @var Address[]
    public array $items;

    public function __construct(Address ...$items)
        $this->items = array_values($items);

!!! There is a small chance the arguments passed to the constructor are not stored in the class property. We have to accept that until variadic arguments can be promoted. !!!


Sitegeist.SchemeOnYou is available via packagist. Run composer require sitegeist/schemeonyou to require this package.

We use semantic versioning, so every breaking change will increase the major version number.


We will gladly accept contributions. Please send us pull requests.