
ProxmoxVE API Client for yii2

1.0.0 2015-11-13 22:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 11:42:58 UTC


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$ composer require skeeks/yii2-proxmox "*"

Or add this to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "skeeks/yii2-proxmox": "*"



    'proxmox' => [
        'class'     => 'skeeks\proxmox\ProxmoxComponent',
        'hostname'  => '',
        'username'  => 'root',
        'password'  => 'password',
        //'realm'     => 'pam', //pve
        //'port'      => '8006',

    'proxmox2' => [
        'class'     => 'skeeks\proxmox\ProxmoxComponent',
        'hostname'  => '',
        'username'  => 'root',
        'password'  => 'password',
        //'realm'     => 'pam', //pve
        //'port'      => '8006',


if (\Yii::$app->proxmox->api)
    $allNodes = \Yii::$app->proxmox->api->get('/nodes');
} else
    //\Yii::$app->proxmox->error — \Exception

if (\Yii::$app->proxmox2->api)


Sample output:

    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [disk] => 2539465464
                    [cpu] => 0.031314446882002
                    [maxdisk] => 30805066770
                    [maxmem] => 175168446464
                    [node] => mynode1
                    [maxcpu] => 24
                    [level] =>
                    [uptime] => 139376
                    [id] => node/mynode1
                    [type] => node
                    [mem] => 20601992182


// It is common to fetch images and then use base64 to display the image easily in a webpage
\Yii::$app->proxmox->api->setResponseType('pngb64'); // Sample format: ...
$base64 = \Yii::$app->proxmox->api->get('/nodes/hosting4-skeeks/rrd', ['ds' => 'cpu', 'timeframe' => 'day']);
// So we can do something like this
echo "<img src='{$base64}' \>";
// Ask for nodes, gives back a PHP string with HTML response

// Change response type to JSON

// Now asking for nodes gives back JSON raw string

// If you want again return PHP arrays you can use the 'array' format.

// Also you can call getResponseType for whatever reason you have
$responseType = \Yii::$app->proxmox->api->getResponseType();  // array


On your proxmox client object you can use get(), create(), set() and delete() functions for all resources specified at [PVE2 API Documentation], params are passed as the second parameter in an associative array.

What resources or paths can I interact with and how?

In your proxmox server you can use the pvesh CLI Tool to manage all the pve resources, you can use this library in the exact same way you would use the pvesh tool. For instance you could run pvesh then, as the screen message should say, you can type help [path] [--verbose] to see how you could use a path and what params you should pass to it. Be sure to read about the pvesh CLI Tool at the [Proxmox wiki].

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