
Dual Listbox Widget for Yii 2

dev-master 2017-11-09 06:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:12:14 UTC


Dual Listboxt for Yii framework 2.0.


skeeks\widget\duallistbox\WidgetDualListbox widget is a Yii 2 wrapper for Bootstrap Dual Listbox.


  • Yii Version 2.0.0 or later


  1. Add skeeks/yii2-widget-dual-listbox in your project's composer.json, and let Composer configure your project.

    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.4.0",
        "yiisoft/yii2": "*",
        "yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap": "*",
        "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "*",
        "skeeks/yii2-widget-dual-listbox": "dev-master"
  2. Use skeeks\widget\duallistbox\WidgetDualListbox::widget() in place of yii\helpers\Html::listBox(), yii\helpers\Html::activeListBox(), or yii\widgets\ActiveField::listBox() in your view.

    1. Replacing Html::listBox() using name and selection

      use skeeks\widget\duallistbox\WidgetDualListbox;
          $options = [
              'multiple' => true,
              'size' => 20,
          // echo Html::listBox($name, $selection, $items, $options);
          echo DualListbox::widget([
              'name' => $name,
              'selection' => $selection,
              'items' => $items,
              'options' => $options,
              'clientOptions' => [
                  'moveOnSelect' => false,
                  'selectedListLabel' => 'Selected Items',
                  'nonSelectedListLabel' => 'Available Items',
    2. Replacing Html::activeListBox() using model and attribute

      use skeeks\widget\duallistbox\WidgetDualListbox;
          $options = [
              'multiple' => true,
              'size' => 20,
          // echo Html::activeListBox($model, $attribute, $items, $options);
          echo WidgetDualListbox::widget([
              'model' => $model,
              'attribute' => $attribute,
              'items' => $items,
              'options' => $options,
              'clientOptions' => [
                  'moveOnSelect' => false,
                  'selectedListLabel' => 'Selected Items',
                  'nonSelectedListLabel' => 'Available Items',
    3. Replacing ActiveField::listBox() using model and attribute

      use skeeks\widget\duallistbox\WidgetDualListbox;
          $options = [
              'multiple' => true,
              'size' => 20,
          // echo $form->field($model, $attribute)->listBox($items, $options);
          echo $form->field($model, $attribute)->widget(WidgetDualListbox::className(),[
              'items' => $items,
              'options' => $options,
              'clientOptions' => [
                  'moveOnSelect' => false,
                  'selectedListLabel' => 'Selected Items',
                  'nonSelectedListLabel' => 'Available Items',
  3. Collect the user input in the server side, just as you do with a single Listbox with multiple selection. Note that the input value will be an array.

    If you find difficulty in handling the user input, please read A Sample Code which demonstrates how to use a dual listbox to the data in array format.

Properties of skeeks\widget\duallistbox\WidgetDualListbox

  1. name @var string

    The input name.

  2. selection @var array

    The selected values.

  3. model @var yii\base\Model

    The model object.

  4. attribute @var string

    The attribute name.

  5. items @var array

    The option data items. The array keys are option values, and the array values are the corresponding option labels.

  6. options @var array

    The tag options for the listbox in terms of name-value pairs.

  7. clientOptions @var array

    The options for the Bootstrap Dual Listbox in terms of name-value pairs. See Initialzation parameters object section of the official documentation of Bootstrap Dual Listbox for details.

The first 6 properties correspond to the parameters used in Html::listBox(), Html::activeListBox() and ActiveField::listBox().

Note that you have to use either name-selection pair or model-attribute pair. The former is for replacing Html::listBox() and the latter is for Html::activeListBox() and ActiveField::listBox().

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