
Payment module for the Dutch iDEAL payment system

v1.0.0-beta4 2013-09-17 13:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 15:23:02 UTC


Build Status Latest Stable Version

Created by Jurian Sluiman


SlmIdealPayment is a Zend Framework 2 module to provide payments via the iDEAL system. iDEAL is a payment service for the Dutch market and allows integration of payments for almost all Dutch banks.

The module provides integration for the so-called iDEAL professional / iDEAL advanced method. Integration via iDEAL basic / iDEAL lite is not included.

Standalone usage: This module is developed for Zend Framework 2, but can be used without the framework in your own application. There is no need to understand Zend Framework 2 to use this module.

Supported acquirers

SlmIdealPayment works with the following banks (or acquirers in iDEAL terms):

  1. Rabobank
  2. ING Bank
  3. ABN Amro


The module can be loaded via composer. Require slm/ideal-payment in your composer.json file. If you do not have a composer.json file in the root of your project, copy the contents below and put that into a file called composer.json and save it in the root of your project:

    "require": {
        "slm/ideal-payment": "@beta"

Then execute the following commands in a CLI:

curl -s | php
php composer.phar install

Now you should have a vendor directory, including a slm/ideal-payment. In your bootstrap code, make sure you include the vendor/autoload.php file to properly load the SlmIdealPayment module.


The file slmidealpayment.local.php.dist eases the iDEAL configuration. Copy the file from vendor/slm/ideal-payment/config/slmidealpayment.local.php.dist to your autoload folder and remove the .dist extension.

Open the file and update the values to your needs. If you do not have a SSL certificate, you can use a self-signed certificate and upload that one to the iDEAL dashboard of your acquirer. Generate a key with 2048 bits encryption with the following command:

openssl genrsa –aes128 –out priv.pem –passout pass:[privateKeyPass] 2048

Then create a certificate valid for 5 years:

openssl req –x509 –sha256 –new –key priv.pem –passin pass:[privateKeyPass]
-days 1825 –out cert.cer

Then use the priv.pem and cert.cer files for the iDEAL signatures.


SlmIdealPayments will setup the client with the correct properties. Use the following names to request an instance from the service manager:

  1. Rabobank: SlmIdealPayment\Client\Standard\Rabobank
  2. ING Bank: SlmIdealPayment\Client\Standard\Ing
  3. ABN Amro: SlmIdealPayment\Client\Standard\AbnAmro

Directory request

Then use the client to perform the request. A directory request gives a list of supported issuers. The result is a SlmIdealPayment\Response\DirectoryResponse:

$client = $sl->get('SlmIdealPayment\Client\Standard\Rabobank');

$request  = new DirectoryRequest;
$response = $client->send($request);

foreach ($response->getCountries() as $country) {
    echo sprintf("Country: %s\n", $country->getName());

    foreach ($country->getIssuers() as $issuer) {
        echo sprintf("%s: %s\n", $issuer->getId(), $issuer->getName());

Transaction request

A transaction request needs a Transaction object. The result is a SlmIdealPayment\Response\TransactionResponse object:

use SlmIdealPayment\Model;

$client = $sl->get('SlmIdealPayment\Client\Standard\Rabobank');

// Set up the issuer
$issuer = new Model\Issuer;
$issuer->setId($issuerId); // set selected issuer here

// Set up the transaction
$transaction = new Model\Transaction;

$request  = new TransactionRequest;

$response = $client->send($request);

echo $response->getTransaction()->getTransactionId();

// Then perform redirect:
// Redirect to $response->getAuthenticationUrl();

Status request

A status request also needs a transaction object, but then for its transaction id. The result is a SlmIdealPayment\Response\StatusRequest:

use SlmIdealPayment\Model;

$client = $sl->get('SlmIdealPayment\Client\Standard\Rabobank');

$transaction = new Model\Transaction;

$request  = new StatusRequest;

$response = $client->send($request);

echo $response->getTransaction()->getStatus();

Using SlmIdealPayment outside ZF2

You can use the client without Zend Framework 2. Only the HTTP client is used inside the client and it's a small dependency you can load in any project you have. However, you need to configure all variables yourself.

use SlmIdealPayment\Client\StandardClient;
use SlmIdealPayment\Options\StandardClientOptions;

$options = new StandardClientOptions;



$client = new StandardClient($options);

Now $client is configured, use above methods to perform the various requests.