
Symfony2 bundle for Ladybug library (Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper)

Installs: 525

Dependents: 3

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 49


v1.0.6 2014-10-10 06:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 01:27:52 UTC


Build Status

This bundle provides an easy and extensible var_dump/print_r replacement for Symfony2 projects, both in controllers or Twig templates. For example, with this bundle, the following is possible:

    class UserController extends Controller
        public function userAction($username) {
            ladybug_dump($username); // or just ld($username)
{{ user.username|ladybug_dump }}

Getting as a result:

string(10) "raulfraile"


Step 1: Install vendors

To install this bundle, you'll need both the Ladybug library and this bundle. Installation depends on your version of Symfony:

Symfony 2.0.x: bin/vendors.php method

If you're using the bin/vendors.php method to manage your vendor libraries, add the following entries to the deps in the root of your project file:



Next, update your vendors by running:

$ ./bin/vendors

Finally, add the following entries to your autoloader:

// app/autoload.php

    // ...
    'Ladybug'           => __DIR__.'/../vendor/Ladybug/lib',
    'RaulFraile'        => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',

Symfony 2.1.x: Composer

Composer is a project dependency manager for PHP. You have to list your dependencies in a composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "raulfraile/ladybug-bundle": "v0.7"

To actually install Ladybug in your project, download the composer binary and run it:

# or
curl -O

php composer.phar install

Step 2: Enable the bundle

Finally, enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...

        new RaulFraile\Bundle\LadybugBundle\RaulFraileLadybugBundle(),


It is possible to dump any variable, including arrays, objects and resources:

Dumping an array

    $var = array(1, 2, 3);

Dumping an object

    $var = new Foo();

Dumping a GD image

    $img = imagecreatefrompng(__DIR__ . '/images/ladybug.png');

The same can be accomplished using the Twig filter ladybug_dump.


The are 5 helpers that can be used in any controller:

ladybug_dump($var1[, $var2[, ...]]): Dumps one or more variables

ladybug_dump_die($var1[, $var2[, ...]]): Dumps one or more variables and terminates the current script

ladybug_dump_return($format, $var1[, $var2[, ...]]): Dumps one or more variables and returns the dump in any of the following formats:

  • yml: Returns the dump in YAML
  • json: Returns the dump in JSON
  • xml: Returns the dump in XML
  • php: Returns the dump in PHP arrays

ladybug_dump_ini([$extension]): Dumps all configuration options

ladybug_dump_ext(): Dumps loaded extensions

There are also some shortcuts in case you are not using this function names:

ld($var1[, $var2[, ...]]): shortcut for ladybug_dump

ldd($var1[, $var2[, ...]]): shortcut for ladybug_dump_die

ldr($format, $var1[, $var2[, ...]]): shortcut for ladybug_return

Only ladybug_dump can be used inside Twig templates.

Symfony command

There are two Symfony commands to dump an instance of a given class or export it to a file, in JSON, YAML or XML format.

# php app/console ladybug:dump class_name [--all]
# php app/console ladybug:export class_name target [--format=yaml]

php app/console ladybug:dump "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request"
php app/console ladybug:export "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request" export.json --format=json

Symfony profiler integration

Instead of printing out the dump tree inside the HTML document, you can use the Ladybug logger and see the results in a tab of the Symfony profiler:

To make use of the Ladybug logger, grab the ladybug service from the DIC, and call the log method:

class TestController
    public function testAction()
        $var = 1;

API reference

Ladybug automatically detects Symfony, Doctrine, Twig and Silex classes, and link them to the official documentation.


You can configure ladybug library directly in your config.yml file. Here are the defaults:

        expanded:             false
        max_nesting_level:    3
        show_data:            true
        show_classinfo:       true
        show_constants:       true
        show_methods:         true
        show_properties:      true
        max_nesting_level:    8
        active:               true
        html_color:           #008
        cli_color:            blue
        html_color:           #800
        cli_color:            red
        html_color:           #800
        cli_color:            red
        html_color:           #080
        cli_color:            green
        show_quotes:          true
        path:                 /Asset/tree.min.css