
The Snap Data Object library provides object templates for commonly used data sets. They provide getter, setter and validation methods and can be extended to add additional functionality.

1.0.2 2018-03-27 21:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 13:37:39 UTC


Snap Data is a collection of commonly used data object templates with getter, setter and validation methods.

Classes can be extended to add additional functionality, for example a new class Customer extending Person.


This library requires PHP 5.4 or later; we recommend using the latest available version of PHP as a matter of principle. It has no userland dependencies.

It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as snap/data.

composer require snap/data-objects


All methods are covered by PHPunit tests.

Use Examples

See the examples directory.

The easiest way to get started is to use the Factory to create the desired type of data object.

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// require the composer autoloader

// reference the factory class to save typing
use Snap\Data\Factory;

// create an instance of \Snap\Data\Address (description and notes are optional)
$Address = Factory::addressFactory('123 Fake Street', 'Appleton', 'WI', '54915', 
    'home', 'this is a note');
// update 
$Address->setAddress1('555 Fake Street');
// add additional information
$Address->setAddress2('Apt. 3B');
// get information
echo $Address->getAddress1() . '<br>'; // "555 Fake Street"
echo $Address->getAddress2() . '<br>'; // "Apt. 3B"
// validate (available statically)
$Address->validateZipCode('90210') . '<br>'; // true

// create an instance of \Snap\Data\CreditCard (some of these fields are optional)
// card number and expiration dates will be validated
$CreditCard = Factory::creditCardFactory('4250910000609650', '05', '44', '123', 
'541915', 'work card', 'this is a note');
// update
// get information
echo $CreditCard->getNumber() . '<br>'; // "4250910000609650"
echo $CreditCard->getVerificationCode() . '<br>'; // "123"
// validate (available statically)
$CreditCard->validateCardNumber('4250910000609650'); // true

// create an instance of \Snap\Data\Email (description and notes are optional)
// email address will be validated
$Email = Factory::emailFactory('', 'work email', 'this is a note');
// update
$Email->setDescription('home email');
// get information
echo $Email->getEmail() . '<br>'; // ""
echo $Email->getDescription() . '<br>'; // "home email"
// to string method
echo (string) $Email; // ""
// validate (available statically)
$Email->validateEmail('') . '<br>'; // true

// create an instance of \Snap\Data\Phone (description and notes are optional)
// phone number will be formatted and by default validated as a U.S. number
$Phone = Factory::phoneFactory('555-123-4567', 'work', 'this is a note');
$Phone2 = Factory::phoneFactory('5559876543');
// don't validate or format as a U.S. number
$InternationalPhone = Factory::phoneFactory('0300 200 3300', '', '', false);
// update
// get information
echo $Phone->getPhoneNumber() . '<br>'; // "(555) 123-9876"
echo $Phone2->getPhoneNumber() . '<br>'; // "(555) 987-6543"
echo $InternationalPhone->getPhoneNumber() . '<br>'; // "0300 200 3300"
// validate (available statically)
$Phone->validateUsPhoneNumber('5551234567') . '<br>'; // true

// create an instance of \Snap\Data\Person
$Person = Factory::personFactory();
// set some data
// get some data
echo $Person->getFirstName() . '<br>'; // "Alex"
echo $Person->getLastName() . '<br>'; // "Fraundorf"
echo $Person->getFullName() . '<br>'; // "Alex Fraundorf"

// assign some other data objects to the person (supports multiple)