
dev-master 2022-02-09 15:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-13 17:17:42 UTC


You put in any PHP file and get out a several PHP files that contain a list of fully-namespaced:

  • class names
  • interface names
  • trait names
  • function names
  • constant names


Let's assume you have the following stub file:

namespace WP_CLI
    trait FooTrait
    class Autoloader
        public function foo()
    function foo_func()
    define('FOO', 'BAR');
    const BAZ = 'BIZ';

namespace WP_CLI\Utils
    function wp_not_installed()
    const BAM = 'boom';

namespace WP_CLI\Bootstrap
    interface BootstrapInterface
    trait BarTrait
    abstract class AutoloaderStep

The generated exclusion lists would be:

// exclude-wp-cli-classes.php
<?php return array (
  0 => 'WP_CLI\\Autoloader',
  1 => 'WP_CLI\\Bootstrap\\AutoloaderStep',
// exclude-wp-cli-functions.php
<?php return array (
  0 => 'WP_CLI\\foo_func',
  1 => 'WP_CLI\\Utils\\wp_not_installed',
// exclude-wp-cli-constants.php
<?php return array (
  0 => 'FOO',
  1 => 'WP_CLI\\BAZ',
  2 => 'WP_CLI\\Utils\\BAM',
// exclude-wp-cli-interfaces.php
<?php return array (
  0 => 'WP_CLI\\Bootstrap\\BootstrapInterface',
// exclude-wp-cli-interfaces.php
<?php return array (
  0 => 'WP_CLI\\FooTrait',
  1 => 'WP_CLI\\Bootstrap\\BarTrait',

After generating your necessary files you can use them in combination with php-scopers excluded-symbols feature.

We already generated exclusion lists for WordPress, WP-CLI and WooCommerce. You can find them here:

These are automatically generated using the published stubs from:

It's however not a requirement to use stubs files. Any PHP code will work.



composer/require sniccowp/php-scoper-excludes --dev

Create a configuration

Generates a configuration file in the current working directory:

vendor/bin/generate-excludes generate-config
return [
    Option::EMULATE_PHP_VERSION => Option::PHP_8_0,
    Option::OUTPUT_DIR => __DIR__.'/excludes',
    Option::FILES => [
              ->depth('< 3')
              [__DIR__.'/bar.php', __DIR__.'/baz.php']

Using symfony/finder is totally optional. You can also provide a list of strings or any iterable.

Generating your exclusion lists



None of this would be possible without the brilliant parser by Nikita Popov nikic/php-parser.