
Cascading deletes for Laravel Eloquent ORM.

v6.1.1 2021-04-06 02:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 11:33:57 UTC


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Cascading (soft / hard) deletes for the Eloquent ORM (Laravel 5.0+).

Why use this one? There are couple of packages that already provide cascading deletes for eloquent, but none of them works with the query builder. Here you get support for both $model->delete() and $query->delete(), as well as $model->forceDelete().


Package goes along with Laravel (Illuminate) versioning, in order to make it easy for you to pick appropriate version:

Laravel / Illuminate 5.2+:

composer require sofa/eloquent-cascade:"~5.2"

Laravel / Illuminate 5.0/5.1:

composer require sofa/eloquent-cascade:"~5.1"


Use provided CascadeDeletes trait in your model and define relation to be deleted in cascade. Related models will be deleted automatically and appropriately, that is either hard or soft deleted, depending on the related model settings and delete method used:


  1. $model->delete() & $query->delete() w/o soft deletes
  2. when using soft deletes ensure traits order: use SoftDeletes, CascadeDeletes
  3. $model->delete() & $query->delete() with soft deletes
  4. $model->forceDelete() BUT $query->forceDelete() will not work



namespace App;

use Sofa\EloquentCascade\CascadeDeletes;

class Product extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    use CascadeDeletes;

    protected $deletesWith = ['types', 'photos'];
  • delete() called on the model:

    root@578687bd11c8:/var/www/html# php artisan tinker
    Psy Shell v0.7.2 (PHP 7.0.3 — cli) by Justin Hileman
    >>> DB::enableQueryLog()            
    => null
    >>> App\Product::find(200)->delete()
    => true
    >>> DB::getQueryLog()
    => [
           "query" => "select * from `products` where `products`.`id` = ? limit 1",
           "bindings" => [200],
           "query" => "delete from `products` where `id` = ?",
           "bindings" => [200],
           "query" => "delete from `product_types` where `product_types`.`product_id` = ? and `product_types`.`product_id` is not null",
           "bindings" => [200],
           "query" => "delete from `photos` where `photos`.`product_id` = ? and `photos`.`product_id` is not null",
           "bindings" => [200],
  • delete() called on the eloquent query Builder:

    >>> App\Product::whereIn('id', [202, 203])->delete()
    => 2
    >>> DB::getQueryLog()
    => [
           "query" => "select * from `products` where `id` in (?, ?)",
           "bindings" => [202, 203],
           "query" => "delete from `product_types` where `product_types`.`product_id` in (?, ?)",
           "bindings" => [202, 203],
           "query" => "update `photos` set `deleted_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `photos`.`product_id` in (?, ?) and `photos`.`deleted_at` is null",
           "bindings" => [
             "2016-05-31 09:44:41",
             "2016-05-31 09:44:41",
           "query" => "delete from `products` where `id` in (?, ?)",
           "bindings" => [202, 203],

using with SoftDeletes

NOTE order of using traits matters, so make sure you use SoftDeletes before CascadeDeletes.


namespace App;

use Sofa\EloquentCascade\CascadeDeletes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

class Product extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    use SoftDeletes, CascadeDeletes;

    // related Photo model uses SoftDeletes as well, but Type does not
    protected $deletesWith = ['types', 'photos'];
  • cascade with soft deletes - every model using SoftDeletes gets soft deleted, others are hard deleted

    >>> App\Product::whereIn('id', [300, 301])->delete()
    => 2
    >>> DB::getQueryLog()
    => [
           "query" => "select * from `products` where `id` in (?, ?) and `products`.`deleted_at` is null",
           "bindings" => [300, 301],
           "query" => "delete from `product_types` where `product_types`.`product_id` in (?, ?)",
           "bindings" => [300, 301],
           "query" => "update `photos` set `deleted_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `photos`.`product_id` in (?, ?) and `photos`.`deleted_at` is null",
           "bindings" => [
             "2016-05-31 09:52:30",
             "2016-05-31 09:52:30",
           "query" => "update `products` set `deleted_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? where `id` in (?, ?) and `products`.`deleted_at` is null",
           "bindings" => [
             "2016-05-31 09:52:30",
             "2016-05-31 09:52:30",
  • cascade with forceDelete() called on the model will hard-delete all the relations (NOTE due to the current implementation of forceDelete in laravel core, it will not work on the Builder)

    >>> App\Product::find(302)->forceDelete()
    => true
    >>> DB::getQueryLog()
    => [
           "query" => "select * from `products` where `products`.`id` = ? and `products`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
           "bindings" => [302],
           "query" => "delete from `products` where `id` = ?",
           "bindings" => [302],
           "query" => "delete from `product_types` where `product_types`.`product_id` = ? and `product_types`.`product_id` is not null",
           "bindings" => [302],
           "query" => "delete from `photos` where `photos`.`product_id` = ? and `photos`.`product_id` is not null",
           "bindings" => [302],


  • cascade restoring soft deleted models
  • detach m-m relations / delete related
  • add SET NULL and RESTRICT options (?)


All contributions are welcome, PRs must be PSR-2 compliant.


v6 <- v5.x

  • Restoring now will cascade only for children that were deleted along with the parent model, not before. That is, if some of children models were soft deleted before the parent model got deleted, those children will not be restored when parent is being restored. That's the expected behavior.
  • The above requires that when calling restore on the query builder rather than single model ($query->restore() vs $model->restore()), it will run N queries, 1 for each restored model.