
Standalone sitemap builder 100% standards compliant. Build for PHP5.3 and above.

3.0.3 2015-07-25 10:33 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-12 13:52:58 UTC


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Builds sitemaps for pages, images and media files and provides a class to submit them to search engines.


The recommended way to install the Sitemap Component is through Composer. Run the following command to install it:

php composer.phar require nilportugues/sitemap-component

2. Features

This component builds sitemaps supported by the main search engines, Google and Bing, in xml and gzip formats.

The Sitemap Component is able of building the following types of sitemaps:

Sitemap Index

A sitemap that serves as a index containing references to other sitemap.xml files. More documentation can be found here.

Basic Sitemap

Text content sitemaps, the most common type of sitemap found around the Internet. More documentation can be found here.

Image Sitemap

Sitemap for for images. More documentation can be found here.

Video Sitemap

Sitemap for for videos. More documentation can be found here.

Media Sitemap

Alternative for video sitemaps. More documentation can be found here.

News Sitemap

Sitemap for news articles. More documentation can be found here.

Standard compilant

The sitemap component follow 100% the standards, meaning that it follows strictly the contrains:

  • A sitemap file cannot contain 50000 items per file.
  • A sitemap file cannot be larger than 50 MBytes, uncompressed.
  • An Image Sitemap file cannot contain more than 1000 images per <url> element.

3. Automatic sitemap submission

This component also provides a method to submit the generated sitemaps to the following search engines:

  • Google
  • Bing

4. Usage

4.1 - Submit to search engines

use NilPortugues\Sitemap\SubmitSitemap;

// $status = ['google' => true, 'bing' => true]; if everything went OK.
$status = SubmitSitemap::send('');

4.2 - Build a Sitemap Index

In order to use a Sitemap Index, you need to build sitemap files first. Check out 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5.


use NilPortugues\Sitemap\IndexSitemap;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\Item\Index\IndexItem;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\SitemapException;

try {
    $sitemap = new IndexSitemap('path/to/folder','sitemap.index.xml');

    $item = new IndexItem('');
    $item->setLastMod('2005-05-10T17:33:30+08:00'); //Optional

    $item = new IndexItem('');


} catch (SitemapException $e) {

    echo $e->getMessage();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="">

4.3 - Build a simple Sitemap


use NilPortugues\Sitemap\Sitemap;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\Item\Url\UrlItem;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\SitemapException;

try {
    $sitemap = new Sitemap('path/to/folder','sitemap.index.xml');

    $item = new UrlItem('');
    $item->setPriority('1.0'); //Optional
    $item->setChangeFreq('daily'); //Optional
    $item->setLastMod('2014-05-10T17:33:30+08:00'); //Optional

    $item = new UrlItem('');

    $item = new UrlItem('');


} catch (SitemapException $e) {

    echo $e->getMessage();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

4.4 - Build a Sitemap with Images


use NilPortugues\Sitemap\ImageSitemap;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\Item\Image\ImageItem;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\SitemapException;

try {
    $sitemap = new ImageSitemap('path/to/folder','sitemap.image.xml');

    $item = new ImageItem('');
    $item->setTitle(' logo'); //Optional

    $item = new ImageItem('');
    $item->setTitle('Main image'); //Optional


} catch (SitemapException $e) {

    echo $e->getMessage();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns=""
      <image:title><![CDATA[ logo]]></image:title>
      <image:title><![CDATA[Main image]]></image:title>

4.5 - Build a Sitemap with videos


use NilPortugues\Sitemap\VideoSitemap;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\Item\Video\VideoItem;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\SitemapException;

try {
    $sitemap = new VideoSitemap('path/to/folder','');

    $item = new VideoItem(
        'Grilling steaks for summer', //Title
        '', //URL
        '', //Player URL
        'yes', //Optional
        'ap=1' //Optional

    //Optional Values
    $item->setDescription('Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks everytime');
    $item->setRestriction('IE GB US CA', 'allow');
    $item->setGalleryLoc('', 'Cooking Videos');
    $item->setUploader('GrillyMcGrillerson', '');
    $item->setPlatform('web mobile tv', 'allow');


    $files = $sitemap->build();

} catch (SitemapException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:video="">
			<video:title><![CDATA[Grilling steaks for summer]]></video:title>
			<video:description><![CDATA[Alkis shows you how to get perfectly done steaks everytime]]></video:description>
			<video:restriction relationship="allow">IE GB US CA</video:restriction>
			<video:gallery_loc title="Cooking Videos"></video:gallery_loc>
			<video:price currency="EUR" type="rent" resolution="HD" >0.99</video:price>
			<video:price currency="EUR" type="rent" resolution="SD" >0.75</video:price>
			<video:platform relationship="allow">web mobile tv</video:platform>

4.6 - Build a Media Sitemap (mRSS feed as a Sitemap)


use NilPortugues\Sitemap\MediaSitemap;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\Item\Media\MediaItem;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\SitemapException;

try {
    $sitemap = new MediaSitemap('path/to/folder','');

    $sitemap->setTitle('Media RSS de ejemplo');
    $sitemap->setDescription('Ejemplo de MRSS');

    $item = new MediaItem('');

    $item->setContent('video/x-flv', 120);
    $item->setTitle('Barbacoas en verano');
    $item->setDescription('Consigue que los filetes queden perfectamente hechos siempre');
    $item->setThumbnail('', 120, 160);


    $item = new MediaItem('');
    $item->setContent('video/x-flv', 120);
    $item->setTitle('Barbacoas en invierno');
    $item->setDescription('Consigue unos filetes frios');
    $item->setThumbnail('', 120, 160);


} catch (SitemapException $e) {

    echo $e->getMessage();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="">
  <title>Media RSS de ejemplo</title>
  <description>Ejemplo de MRSS</description>
  <item xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="">
    <media:content type="video/x-flv" duration="120">
      <media:player url="" />
      <media:title>Barbacoas en verano</media:title>
      <media:description>Consigue que los filetes queden perfectamente hechos siempre</media:description>
      <media:thumbnail url="" height="120" width="160"/>
  <item xmlns:media="" xmlns:dcterms="">
    <media:content type="video/x-flv" duration="240">
      <media:player url="" />
      <media:title>Barbacoas en invierno</media:title>
      <media:description>Consigue unos filetes frios</media:description>
      <media:thumbnail url="" height="120" width="160"/>

4.7 - Build a Sitemap for News


use NilPortugues\Sitemap\NewsSitemap;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\Item\News\NewsItem;
use NilPortugues\Sitemap\SitemapException;

try {
    $sitemap = new NewsSitemap('path/to/folder','');

    $item = new NewsItem(
        '', //URL
        'Companies A, B in Merger Talks', //Title
        '2008-12-23', //Publication Date
        'The Example Times', //Publication Name
        'en' //locale

    //Optional Values
    $item->setKeywords('business, merger, acquisition, A, B');
    $item->setStockTickers('NASDAQ:A, NASDAQ:B');
    $item->setGenres('PressRelease, Blog');


} catch (SitemapException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:news="">
        <news:name>The Example Times</news:name>
      <news:genres>PressRelease, Blog</news:genres>
      <news:title>Companies A, B in Merger Talks</news:title>
      <news:keywords>business, merger, acquisition, A, B</news:keywords>
      <news:stock_tickers>NASDAQ:A, NASDAQ:B</news:stock_tickers>

5. Fully tested.

Testing has been done using PHPUnit and Travis-CI. All code has been tested to be compatible from PHP 5.4 up to PHP 5.6 and Facebook's HHVM.

6. Questions?

Drop me an e-mail or get in touch with me using Gitter


7. Author

Nil Portugués Calderó