
2.0.0 2019-07-04 10:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-08 20:34:00 UTC


What does it do?

This package allows to do database backup. Strong emphasis is put to sane defaults but with ability to fine tune each possible settings.


  • Support for multiple configurations sets.
  • Cron like way to set when database backup program should run.
  • Detects what application uses database and ignores tables which are not important (like caching tables). Whitelist / blacklists for detected application database.
  • Databases whitelist / blacklists.
  • Prepared to support different storages (so far only "local" storage is supported).
  • On demand mode - execute only if needed.


composer require sourcebroker/database-backup


Sample configuration creation command:

php bin/backup db:default-configuration


  Perform action without saving any data. This option is for testing purpose.

Backup database command:

php bin/backup db:dump [--dry-run] [--] <yaml config>


  Perform action without saving any data. This option is for testing purpose.

< yaml config >
  Configuration file containing backup tasks.

Simplest usage example:

php bin/backup db:dump config.yaml

Simplest config.yaml. The config below will do backup at 1 am with 2 day rotation.

      howMany: 2
      pattern: "0 1 * * *"

You can add more configs into one file. The config below will do backup at 1am with 7 days rotation and at every 15 min of hour with rotation last 5 hours.

      howMany: 7
      pattern: "0 1 * * *"
      howMany: 5
      pattern: "15 * * * *"


More information about configuration below. Sample configuration for Magento and TYPO3 available in ./sample directory.

Default configuration (built-in)

  tmpDir: ".tmp"              # temporary files directory
  flagDir: ".flag"            # flag files directory
  defaultsFile: "~/.my.cnf"   # path to file with authentication data

  binaryDbCommand: ""         # mysql binary path (replaced with `which mysql` if empty)
  binaryDbExport: ""          # mysqldump binary path (replaced with `which mysqldump` if empty)
  binaryPacker: ""            # zip binary path (replaced with `which zip` if empty)

  databaseAccess:             # database access branch
    type: "default"             # authentication type (described below)
    path: ""                    # path to file with db authentication data
    data:                       # authentication data (direct)
      user: ""                    # username
      password: ""                # password
      port: ""                    # database port
      host: ""                    # database port

  storage:                    # storage description branch
    local:                      # local storage
      path: ".dump"               # path to local directory where backuper will store packs

  application:                # application autodetection branch
    typo3:                      # app name
      tables:                     # tables description
        detection:                  # detect application depending on existance of tables
          - "tt_content"
        whitelist:                  # include those tables in backup
          - ".*"
        blacklist:                  # exclude those tables from backup
          - "cf_.*"
        whitelistPresets: []        # not implemented yet
        blacklistPresets: []        # not implemented yet

          - "core_config_data"
          - ".*"
          - "/^cache.*$/"
          - "/^log_.*$/"
        whitelistPresets: [],
        blacklistPresets: []

  tables: {}                  # tables branch (check "tables configuration" section below)

  databases:                  # databases branch
    whitelist:                  # include those tables in backup
      - ".*"
    blacklist:                  # exclude those tables from backup
      - "information_schema"
    whitelistPresets: []        # not implemented yet
    blacklistPresets: []        # not implemented yet
    presets: []                 # not implemented yet

User configuration (yaml file)

# Defaults branch
# Here you can specify values
  <any branch>                # any branch from default configuration may be overriden here

# Tasks configuration branch
# You can define multiple backup tasks. Each one may be executed on command run,
# depending on cron pattern and 'onDemand' flag

  catalogOnDemand:            # task name
    cron:                       # CRON description
      howMany: 10                 # how many backups should be stored
      pattern: "* * * * *"        # CRON time pattern
      onDemand: true              # set if this mode should be executed only on demand (optional)

    <any branch>              # any branch from defaults may be overriden here

Database authentication

There are 4 available modes of authentication:

  1. 'default' - using configuration file (MySQL configuration format) given as 'path' on databaseAccess level (default ~/.my.cnf)
  2. 'env' - reads authentication data from environment (.env file may be used)
  3. 'php' - .. from PHP file
  4. 'xml' - .. from XML file

Tables configuration

  _default_:                  # default tables configuration (for all databases)
    whitelist:                  # include those tables
      - ".*"                      # regular expression
    blacklist:                  # exclude those tables
      - "cache_.*"

  <database name>:            # database level branch (override _default_ configuration)
    whitelist:                  # include those tables (from given database)
      - "important_.*"
    blacklist:                  # exclude those tables (from given database)
      - "cache_.*"
      - "log_.*"

If task has onDemand mode set it will be executed only conditionally. That task will be executed only if flag file is created in flag directory (defined in 'flagDir') File name is task name in lowercase - so for task catalogOnDemand it will be catalogondemand.

On demand mode

If task has onDemand mode set it will be executed only conditionally. That task will be executed only if CRON time pattern is fulfilled and if flag file is created in flag directory (defined in 'flagDir') File name is task name in lowercase - so for task catalogOnDemand it will be catalogondemand.

Usage cases: Backup orders tables immediately after new order is placed. Modify your application in a way that it will create flag file in defined directory.