
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the package instead.

Adds support for typolink addQueryString to allow to include only specific url vars.

Installs: 22 680

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 15

Watchers: 2

Forks: 4

Open Issues: 2


1.0.5 2019-04-14 08:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-09-02 21:51:42 UTC


This extension will not longer be mainained

Look for alternative here (Thanks to Benni Mack from b13 GmbH)

What does it do?

This extension adds two new options for typolink.addQueryString setting. This new options allow to define what query parameters will be passed to newly created typolinks.

First option is typolink.addQueryString.include (string, comma separated - empty by default). All query parameters that does not exist on this list will be not passed to newly created typolink.

Second option is typolink.addQueryString.includePluginsNamespaces (boolean - set by default to true). If enabled then all query parameters that does not fit into first level of Extbase plugins namespace will be not passed to newly created typolink.

In the background those both options check for all query parameter that does not exists on typolink.addQueryString.include, typolink.addQueryString.includePluginsNamespaces and if so then adds them to addQueryString.exclude list.

If you are unsure if you need those options then read Background and Flooding problems of addQueryString.

Because addQueryString.includePluginsNamespaces is enabled by default then you do not need to change your TypoScript code after this extension installation. You will be safe from flooding by default!


  1. Use composer or download by Extension Manager.

    composer require sourcebroker/urlguard
  2. Go to Extension Manager, find Urlguard choose Options and set enableXclassForContentObjectRenderer.

  3. Clear TYPO3 frontend cache. In browser open link and look for the links builded by language menu. You should not see links like ?asd=1&cHash=1234567890. If you still see ?asd=1&cHash=1234567890 it means ext:urlguard is not working. In that case look for note below.

Note! It may happen that one of your installed extension is already overwriting class \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer. In that case you may expect that either urlguard will not work or the second extension that overwrites class ContentObjectRenderer will not work. That depends which extension is loaded last - the last one overwrites. If you are experiencing this situation then you can apply patch needed by ext:urlguard directly to core class ContentObjectRenderer. Look for patches in Resources/Private/Patches and apply them manually or automatically with composer package cweagans/composer-patches.

Note! For TYPO3 6.2 you can apply patch from Resources/Private/Patches/ContentObjectRenderer_TYPO3_6.2.patch


Usually when you build language menu (or page browsing) then you want to use typolink.addQueryString to pass all parameters that are set on query so the parameters are the same for other languages or for next pages in page browser.

Lets take an example. The link that was requested by user is a link to single view of news:[news]=15&cHash=1234567890

When TYPO3 will start to generate language menu it will build following links adding L parameter:


This is perfectly fine and what you wanted!

Unfortunately the reality is that bots are permanently hitting your website with very strange url parameters that are not coming from you application. How it looks like then? Lets take an next example - bot hits your website with:

The language menu will build following links:


This is what you would like to avoid. What are the downsides of such situation? Please read next chapter.

Flooding problems of addQueryString

Flooding of table cf_cache_pages

When typolink is used with addQueryString option activated there is no easy way to exclude all possible query parameters with typolink.addQueryString.exclude because we can not predict all the params used by bots. This means that typolink will generate links containing valid cHash but with bot's params that are not supported by our application. If later bot will traverse those links then each of such link will build new cache entry in cf_cache_pages table. This means pressure on processor, database and database space.

Flooding of table tx_realurl_urldata (not longer valid for TYPO3 9.5)

Each link created by typolink has its entry in realurl table tx_realurl_urldata. Because there is no way to effectively exclude all possible query parameters with typolink.addQueryString.exclude then this table will be flooded and will make pressure on processor, database and database space.

How can you prevent 'addQueryString flooding' problems?

Install ext:urlguard. By default it has active typolink.addQueryString.includePluginsNamespaces which will exclude all parameters that does not fit into first level of Extbase plugins namespace.

How can you prevent 'addQueryString flooding' problems without ext:urlguard?

TYPO3 offers typolink.addQueryString.exclude where you can try to exclude all parameters that should not be passed when creating new typolink. The problem is: you can not predict all the parameters used by bots.

The only 100% solution is to not use blacklisting of parameters (exclude) but whitelisting of parameters (include). This is what ext:urlguard is doing.

Known problems


