Webp converter scenarios

0.10.0 2021-03-11 21:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 06:07:38 UTC


What does it do?

This library is short scenarios of working examples for webp on demand which use rosell-dk/webp-convert in background. There will be two scenarios:

  1. call to image which has no webp version yet will redirect to original source and run webp image converter in background
  2. call to image which has no webp version yet will stream original source and run webp image converter in background

Next calls to jpg/png will return webp on apache rewrite level.

For now only first scenario is implemented.

Webp images generated after redirect to original source

How to install ?

  1. composer req sourcebroker/webp
  2. Go to folder vendor/sourcebroker/webp/Resources/WebpRedirectToOriginalAndConvertInBackground
  3. Copy part of htaccess from there to your htaccess or vhost configuration.
  4. Copy the example webp.php to your DocumentRoot folder. Change the path to vendor folder to your needs.
  5. Your webp files will be stored in separate folder in your DocumentRoot folder. By default its _processed_/webp-images. You can change this folder by replacing _processed_/webp-images in .htaccess file and in webp.php file.
  6. If you open folder vendor/sourcebroker/webp/Resources/WebpRedirectToOriginalAndConvertInBackground/cms-specific you will find there htaccess and webp.php for specific CMSes like for example TYPO3. The path to store files is there selected to best fit the CMS.

How to test?

  1. Go into Network tab in Chrome DevTools. When you refresh website you should see jpg/png files being redirected to the same url but with ?processing parameter.
  2. When you refresh the page second time some jpg/png should be already converted. Those will have webp in column Type
  3. Check you DocumentRoot folder there should be _processed_/webp-images folder created with webp files.