
Pagination as TYPO3 DataProcessor

1.0.0 2021-11-03 16:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 06:31:03 UTC


What does it do?

Basically, it's a DatabaseQueryProcessor of TYPO3 with added pagination.


composer require spooner-web/paginated-processor


  1. Include static templates named "TYPO3 PaginatedDatabaseQueryProcessor"
  2. Use the DataProcessor in TypoScript with pagination settings (see Configuration section)
  3. Enrich your Listing Fluid template

Configuration in TypoScript

dataProcessing {
  10 = SpoonerWeb\PaginatedProcessor\DataProcessing\PaginatedDatabaseQueryProcessor
  10 {
    # Basic settings you use in DatabaseQueryProcessor
    # Additionally you need this section:
    paginate {
      activate = 1
      itemsPerPage = 5
      insertAbove = 1
      insertBelow = 0
      parameterIndex = tx_myrecords

Add partials in your listing template

<f:render partial="Pagination" arguments="{pagination: pagination, parameter: 'tx_myrecords', above: 1}" />
    <f:for each="{records}" as="item">
<f:render partial="Pagination" arguments="{pagination: pagination, parameter: 'tx_myrecords', below: 1}" />

What to care about?

  • The partial is included for Fluid Styled Content elements with the integration of static template
  • You need to add the path to the partial when you want to use it in your own extension