
A PHP SDK for working with Datastar.

1.0.0-beta.15 2025-03-01 22:33 UTC


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Datastar PHP SDK

This package provides a PHP SDK for working with Datastar.


This package is licensed for free under the MIT License.


This package requires PHP 8.1 or later.


Install using composer.

composer require starfederation/datastar-php


use starfederation\datastar\enums\EventType;
use starfederation\datastar\enums\FragmentMergeMode;
use starfederation\datastar\ServerSentEventGenerator;

// If your framework has its own way of sending response headers, you must manually send the headers returned by `ServerSentEventGenerator::headers()` before creating a new instance of `ServerSentEventGenerator`.

// Creates a new `ServerSentEventGenerator` instance.
$sse = new ServerSentEventGenerator();

// Merges HTML fragments into the DOM.
$sse->mergeFragments('<div></div>', [
    'selector' => '#my-div',
    'mergeMode' => FragmentMergeMode::Append,
    'settleDuration' => 1000,
    'useViewTransition' => true,

// Removes HTML fragments from the DOM.

// Merges signals.
$sse->mergeSignals('{foo: 123}', [
    'onlyIfMissing' => true,

// Removes signals.
$sse->removeSignals(['foo', 'bar']);

// Executes JavaScript in the browser.
$sse->executeScript('console.log("Hello, world!")');

// Redirects the browser by setting the location to the provided URI.
use starfederation\datastar\ServerSentEventGenerator;

$signals = ServerSentEventGenerator::readSignals();