std / assert
Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.
- php: ^7.0
- webmozart/assert: ^1.5
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-07 20:26:29 UTC
NOTE This is a pre-v1.0.0 beta release. Minor details may change soon, such as the exception class and/or other minor details. However these should be, with the exception of the exception class itself (as long as you do not rely on this particular implementation detail) backwards compatible. No guarantees, though.
How to use (quick start)
composer require std/assert
Call anywhere (domain logic, entities, application, infrastructure...)
public function mySweetBusinessLogic(string $value) { return substr($value, 0, 1); // We got a bug! } // Fixed! public function mySweetBusinessLogic(string $value) { \Std\Assert::minLength($value, 1); return substr($value, 0, 1); // No longer have a bug! }
Further Instructions
The assertion class is all static methods that throw \InvalidArgumentException
if the supplied assertion is NOT true. In other words, your assertion,
like a unit test, should be what the application expects. Don't get confused -- if a value must be true, then you should call Assert::true($val)
, not the
other way around.
This can be used as "simplified argument handling", as well as anywhere else. It honestly took me a while to get used to calling assertions in this manner, as they feel like unit tests, and perhaps initially awkward feeling because of this fact. However, once you get used to the idea, you will understand their value as a simple method to perform sanity checks throughout your system (particularly, in your domain/business logic).
Every check within Webmozart has a corresponding "all
" and "nullOr
". These are handled by a __callStatic
magic method (nothing wrong with that!), and are
properly type-hinted and declared in the class docblock via @method
, for example allNotEmpty
will assert that each element of the given array is "true" to the given test. That is, allNotEmpty
will assert that
each element of the given array is not empty.
will, believe it or not, assert that the value may be either null or the given assertion. For example, nullOrEmail
will assert that the given
value is either a valid e-mail address, or === null
Webmozart & The future
This is effectively, and always will be, a clone of Webmozart\Assert
by Bernhard Schussek
His package is available at webmozart/assert
if you are interested, and this package currently relies upon it directly.
Original Documentation
The [Assert
] class provides the following assertions:
Type Assertions
Method | Description |
string($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a string |
stringNotEmpty($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a non-empty string |
integer($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an integer |
integerish($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value casts to an integer |
float($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a float |
numeric($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is numeric |
natural($value, $message= ''') |
Check that a value is a non-negative integer |
boolean($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a boolean |
scalar($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a scalar |
object($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an object |
resource($value, $type = null, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a resource |
isCallable($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a callable |
isArray($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an array |
isTraversable($value, $message = '') (deprecated) |
Check that a value is an array or a \Traversable |
isIterable($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an array or a \Traversable |
isCountable($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an array or a \Countable |
isInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an instanceof a class |
isInstanceOfAny($value, array $classes, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an instanceof a at least one class on the array of classes |
notInstanceOf($value, $class, $message = '') |
Check that a value is not an instanceof a class |
isArrayAccessible($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value can be accessed as an array |
uniqueValues($values, $message = '') |
Check that the given array contains unique values |
Comparison Assertions
Method | Description |
true($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is true |
false($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is false |
null($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is null |
notNull($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is not null |
isEmpty($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is empty() |
notEmpty($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is not empty() |
eq($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value equals another (== ) |
notEq($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value does not equal another (!= ) |
same($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value is identical to another (=== ) |
notSame($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value is not identical to another (!== ) |
greaterThan($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value is greater than another |
greaterThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value is greater than or equal to another |
lessThan($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value is less than another |
lessThanEq($value, $value2, $message = '') |
Check that a value is less than or equal to another |
range($value, $min, $max, $message = '') |
Check that a value is within a range |
oneOf($value, array $values, $message = '') |
Check that a value is one of a list of values |
String Assertions
You should check that a value is a string with Assert::string()
before making
any of the following assertions.
Method | Description |
contains($value, $subString, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains a substring |
notContains($value, $subString, $message = '') |
Check that a string does not contains a substring |
startsWith($value, $prefix, $message = '') |
Check that a string has a prefix |
startsWithLetter($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string starts with a letter |
endsWith($value, $suffix, $message = '') |
Check that a string has a suffix |
regex($value, $pattern, $message = '') |
Check that a string matches a regular expression |
notRegex($value, $pattern, $message = '') |
Check that a string does not match a regular expression |
unicodeLetters($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains Unicode letters only |
alpha($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains letters only |
digits($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains digits only |
alnum($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains letters and digits only |
lower($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains lowercase characters only |
upper($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains uppercase characters only |
length($value, $length, $message = '') |
Check that a string has a certain number of characters |
minLength($value, $min, $message = '') |
Check that a string has at least a certain number of characters |
maxLength($value, $max, $message = '') |
Check that a string has at most a certain number of characters |
lengthBetween($value, $min, $max, $message = '') |
Check that a string has a length in the given range |
uuid($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string is a valid UUID |
ip($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string is a valid IP (either IPv4 or IPv6) |
ipv4($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string is a valid IPv4 |
ipv6($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string is a valid IPv6 |
email($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string is a valid e-mail address |
notWhitespaceOnly($value, $message = '') |
Check that a string contains at least one non-whitespace character |
File Assertions
Method | Description |
fileExists($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an existing path |
file($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an existing file |
directory($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an existing directory |
readable($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a readable path |
writable($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is a writable path |
Object Assertions
Method | Description |
classExists($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an existing class name |
subclassOf($value, $class, $message = '') |
Check that a class is a subclass of another |
interfaceExists($value, $message = '') |
Check that a value is an existing interface name |
implementsInterface($value, $class, $message = '') |
Check that a class implements an interface |
propertyExists($value, $property, $message = '') |
Check that a property exists in a class/object |
propertyNotExists($value, $property, $message = '') |
Check that a property does not exist in a class/object |
methodExists($value, $method, $message = '') |
Check that a method exists in a class/object |
methodNotExists($value, $method, $message = '') |
Check that a method does not exist in a class/object |
Array Assertions
Method | Description |
keyExists($array, $key, $message = '') |
Check that a key exists in an array |
keyNotExists($array, $key, $message = '') |
Check that a key does not exist in an array |
count($array, $number, $message = '') |
Check that an array contains a specific number of elements |
minCount($array, $min, $message = '') |
Check that an array contains at least a certain number of elements |
maxCount($array, $max, $message = '') |
Check that an array contains at most a certain number of elements |
countBetween($array, $min, $max, $message = '') |
Check that an array has a count in the given range |
isList($array, $message = '') |
Check that an array is a non-associative list |
isMap($array, $message = '') |
Check that an array is associative and has strings as keys |
Function Assertions
Method | Description |
throws($closure, $class, $message = '') |
Check that a function throws a certain exception. Subclasses of the exception class will be accepted. |
Collection Assertions
All of the above assertions can be prefixed with all*()
to test the contents
of an array or a \Traversable
Assert::allIsInstanceOf($employees, 'Acme\Employee');
Nullable Assertions
All of the above assertions can be prefixed with nullOr*()
to run the
assertion only if it the value is not null
Assert::nullOrString($middleName, 'The middle name must be a string or null. Got: %s');
Back to Std\Assert
In the future, I would like to:
- Figure out a way to cleanly extend his work, but add a little more flexibility. Particularly, add a "
" + "allNot...()
". Perhaps there is some anti-pattern or pattern I am missing here, but to simply assert something "is not a ..." is rather difficult. This is obviously preferable. If this just can't be done cleanly, I'll have to fork instead. - Add a few more high-level assertions.
- Using this same code, create a new package for more informal validation package (ex. define API input validation via schema).
- Using a similar system, define similar assertions with a correction path.
Most importantly, Webmozart is Copyright (c) 2014 Bernhard Schussek and released under the MIT license.
Any further additions or changes to his work within Std\Assert
is freely available without attribution, available under any one of the following:
(C) Copyright 2019; A.B. Carroll
- Unlicense (No Attribution Required)
- MIT License
- Apache 2.0 License
- BSD 2-clause License
Please be mindful and credit the author of Webmozart\Assert
(Bernhard Schussek), as Std\Assert
is based upon it.