
A Laravel SDK for the HubSpot CRM Api

0.11 2024-08-29 15:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 15:58:14 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist

Interact with HubSpot's CRM with an enjoyable, Eloquent-like developer experience.

  • Familiar Eloquent CRUD methods create, find, update, and delete
  • Associated objects work like relations: Deal::find(555)->notes and Contact::find(789)->notes()->create(...)
  • Retrieving lists of objects feels like a query builder: Company::where('state','NC')->orderBy('custom_property')->paginate(20)
  • Cursors provide a seamless way to loop through all records: foreach(Contact::cursor() AS $contact) { ... }

Note Only the CRM API is currently implemented.


1) Install the package via composer:

composer require stechstudio/laravel-hubspot

2) Configure HubSpot

Create a private HubSpot app and give it appropriate scopes for what you want to do with this SDK.

Copy the provided access token, and add to your Laravel .env file:



Individual CRUD actions


You may retrieve single object records using the find method on any object class and providing the ID.

use STS\HubSpot\Crm\Contact;

$contact = Contact::find(123);


To create a new object record, use the create method and provide an array of properties.

$contact = Contact::create([
    'firstname' => 'Test',
    'lastname' => 'User',
    'email' => ''

Alternatively you can create the class first, provide properties one at a time, and then save.

$contact = new Contact;
$contact->firstname = 'Test';
$contact->lastname = 'User';
$contact->email = '';


Once you have retrieved or created an object, update with the update method and provide an array of properties to change.

    'email' => ''

You can also change properties individually and then save.

$contact = Contact::find(123);
$contact->email = '';


This will "archive" the object in HubSpot.


Retrieving multiple objects

Fetching a collection of objects from an API is different from querying a database directly in that you will always be limited in how many items you can fetch at once. You can't ask HubSpot to return ALL your contacts if you have thousands.

This package provides three different ways of fetching these results.


Similar to a traditional database paginated result, you can paginate through a HubSpot collection of objects. You will receive a LengthAwarePaginator just like with Eloquent, which means you can generate links in your UI just like you are used to.

$contacts = Contact::paginate(20);

By default, this paginate method will look at the page query parameter. You can customize the query parameter key by passing a string as the second argument.

Cursor iteration

You can use the cursor method to iterate over the entire collection of objects. This uses lazy collections and generators to seamlessly fetch chunks of records from the API as needed, hydrating objects when needed, and providing smooth iteration over a limitless number of objects.

// This will iterate over ALL your contacts!
foreach(Contact::cursor() AS $contact) {
    echo $contact->id . "<br>";

Warning API rate limiting can be an obstacle when using this approach. Be careful about iterating over huge datasets very quickly, as this will still require quite a few API calls in the background.

Manually fetching chunks

Of course, you can grab collections of records with your own manual pagination or chunking logic. Use the take and after methods to specify what you want to grab, and then get.

// This will get 100 contact records, starting at 501
$contacts = Contact::take(100)->after(500)->get();

// This will get the default 50 records, starting at the first one
$contacts = Contact::get();

Searching and filtering

When retrieving multiple objects, you will frequently want to filter, search, and order these results. You can use a fluent interface to build up a query before retrieving the results.

Adding filters

Use the where method to add filters to your query. You can use any of the supported operators for the second argument, see here for the full list:;

This package also provides friendly aliases for common operators =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, exists, not exists, like, and not like.


You can omit the operator argument and = will be used.

Contact::where('email', '')->get();

For the BETWEEN operator, provide the lower and upper bounds as a two-element tuple.

Contact::where('days_to_close', 'BETWEEN', [30, 60])->get();

Note All filters added are grouped as "AND" filters, and applied together. Optional "OR" grouping is not yet supported.

Searching common properties

HubSpot supports searching through certain object properties very easily. See here for details:

Specify a search parameter with the search method:



You can order the results with any property.


The default direction is asc, you can change this to desc if needed.

Contact::orderBy('days_to_close', 'desc')->get();


HubSpot associations are handled similar to Eloquent relationships.

Dynamic properties

You can access associated objects using dynamic properties.

foreach(Company::find(555)->contacts AS $contact) {
    echo $contact->email;

Association methods

If you need to add additional constraints, use the association method. You can add any of the filtering, searching, or ordering methods described above.

    ->where('days_to_close', 'BETWEEN', [30, 60])

Eager loading association IDs

Normally, there are three HubSpot API calls to achieve the above result:

  1. Fetch the company object
  2. Retrieve all the contact IDs that are associated to this company
  3. Query for contacts that match the IDs

Now we can eliminate the second API call by eager loading the associated contact IDs. This library always eager-loads the IDs for associated companies, contacts, deals, and tickets. It does not eager-load IDs for engagements like emails and notes, since those association will tend to be much longer lists.

If you know in advance that you want to, say, retrieve the notes for a contact, you can specify this up front.

// This will only be two API calls, not three

Creating associated objects

You can create new records off of the association methods.

    'firstname' => 'Test',
    'lastname' => 'User',
    'email' => ''

This will create a new contact, associate it to the company, and return the new contact.

You can also associate existing objects using attach. This method accepts and ID or an object instance.


You can also detach existing objects using detach. This method accepts and ID or an object instance.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.