
Delivers current exchange rates for EUR provided by the ECB as PHP objects.

4.1.0 2021-11-04 13:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 20:14:09 UTC


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Delivers current exchange rates for EUR provided by the ECB under as PHP objects.

How to install

composer require steffenbrand/curr-curr

How to use

Request exchange rate for specific currency

try {
    $cc = new CurrCurr();
    $exchangeRate = $cc->getExchangeRateByCurrency(Currency::USD);

} catch (ExchangeRatesRequestFailedException $e) {
    // webservice might not be present
} catch (ExchangeRatesMappingFailedException $e) {
    // webservice might not deliver what we expect
} catch (CurrencyNotSupportedException $e) {
    // requested currency might not be provided

Request all available exchange rates

try {
    $cc = new CurrCurr();
    $exchangeRates = $cc->getExchangeRates();


    foreach ($exchangeRates as $exchangeRate) {
} catch (ExchangeRatesRequestFailedException $e) {
    // webservice might not be present
} catch (ExchangeRatesMappingFailedException $e) {
    // webservice might not deliver what we expect

Using PSR-16 SimpleCache

CurrCurr does not provide its own SimpleCache implementation, however it does give you the possibility to inject any PSR-16 compliant implementation into the EcbClient. You just have to wrap it with a CacheConfig instance.

$cc = new CurrCurr(
    new EcbClient(
        new CacheConfig(
            new OpCache(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/cache')
            // Any PSR-16 compliant implementation
            // This example uses odan/cache

You can provide your own key and time to live.

new CacheConfig(
    new OpCache(sys_get_temp_dir() . '/cache')
    CacheConfig::CACHE_UNTIL_MIDNIGHT, // time to live in seconds
    CacheConfig::DEFAULT_CACHE_KEY // key used for caching

Mocking webservice response for Unit Testing your own project

CurrCurr allows you to inject your own implementation of the EcbClientInterface. But you can also use the provided EcbClientMock, which allows you to simulate 3 different responses.

$cc1 = new CurrCurr(new EcbClientMock(EcbClientMock::VALID_RESPONSE));
$cc2 = new CurrCurr(new EcbClientMock(EcbClientMock::USD_MISSING_RESPONSE));
$cc3 = new CurrCurr(new EcbClientMock(EcbClientMock::DATE_MISSING_RESPONSE));