
Error Radar is a fullscreen dashboard to monitor build plans from various build servers that you can use on a big screen in your office.

v1.9.0 2018-03-05 10:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:49:28 UTC


Error Radar is a dashboard to monitor plans from various build servers that you can use on a big screen in your office.

Currently supported build servers

  • Bamboo (tested with 6.1.1)

Planned build servers

  • Jenkins
  • Travis CI








  • PHP >= 7.0
  • A database, peferably MySQL (other databases supported by CakePHP3 are fine as well)
  • A webserver, preferably nginx or Apache 2.4 (Installation and configuration of your webserver is not part of this installation guide)

Get composer


Install application

Go to your desired installation directory and run the following command, to install the application using composer.

composer create-project steffenbrand/error-radar error-radar

Alternatively you could clone the git repository and run composer install afterwards.

Create an empty database

  • Preferably MySQL
  • utf8_general_ci
  • InnoDB

Configure database

Edit the config/app.php file.

cd error-radar
nano config/app.php

At the top of the file you will find the Datasources array.
Edit the configuration to your needs and save.

// CONFIGURE YOUR DB CONNECTION HERE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
'host'      => 'localhost',
'username'  => 'my_app',
'password'  => 'secret',
'database'  => 'my_app',
'port'      => '3306',
'driver'    => 'Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql',

Migrate and seed database

Run the following commands from the applications root directory to create the database and insert a default admin user.

bin/cake migrations migrate
bin/cake migrations seed

Go for it

Login and create your categories, configure your servers and add plans. The admin default credentials (please change them immediately) are as follows:

user: admin
password: password

Security concerns

Error Radar stores the build servers passwords (encrypted) in the database, so make sure to ...

  • create and use accounts that have only READ access to the build servers REST API.
  • make it reachable only within your network.
  • separate the application server from the database server.