
Uncover missing translations and localization strings in Laravel applications

v1.0.0 2017-10-17 03:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:49:26 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

Lost in Translation is designed to help developers locate instances of localization strings within a Laravel application that haven't been provided translations.


Lost in Translation can be installed into your Laravel project via Composer:

$ composer require stevegrunwell/lost-in-translation

By default, this will replace the default TranslationServiceProvider class with a sub-class that adds additional logic when a translation isn't found. To resume default behavior (even in a production environment), see the "Configuration" section below.


By default, Lost in Translation will catch missing translations in two ways:

  1. In environments where APP_DEBUG is true, a LostInTranslation\MissingTranslationException will be found if the application attempts to load a translation that hasn't been defined.
  2. Missing translations will be written to storage/logs/lost-in-translation.log.

Either of these can be disabled via the package's configuration, making Lost in Translation safe to use in production. These values can be set using the following environment variables:

Determines whether or not missing translations should be logged. Default is "true".
Should MissingTranslationException exceptions be thrown when a translation is missing? Default is "false".

To override package configuration, run the following to copy the configuration to your app's config/ directory:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LostInTranslation\Providers\TranslationServiceProvider"

This will create a new file in config/lostintranslation.php, where default values for your application can be set.


When a missing translation is found, the a LostInTranslation\MissingTranslationFound event will be dispatched. This event makes it easy to do something (send an email, open a GitHub issue, etc.)when a missing translation is encountered.

First, create a new event listener in your application; in this example, we're using app/Listeners/NotifyOfMissingTranslation.php:


namespace App\Listeners;

use LostInTranslation\Events\MissingTranslationFound;

class NotifyOfMissingTranslation
     * Handle the event.
     * @param MissingTranslationFound $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(MissingTranslationFound $event)
        // Do something with the event.

The MissingTranslationFound event has four public properties of note:

  1. $key - The translation key that was not found.
  2. $replacements - Any replacements that were passed to the translation call.
  3. $locale - The locale that was being used.
  4. $fallback - The fallback locale, if defined.

Then, in app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php, add the following to register NotifyOfMissingTranslation as a callback when a MissingTranslationFound event occurs:

 * The event listener mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
    'LostInTranslation\Events\MissingTranslationFound' => [

For more on event listeners, please see the Laravel Events documentation.