
Provides utilities for parsing and updating Laravel-style PHP configuration files.

Fund package maintenance!

v4.1.0 2025-02-26 23:44 UTC


This library provides utilities and features for parsing, updating, and writing Laravel style PHP configuration files.


To install Proteus issue the following command, or at stillat/proteus to your composer.json file:

composer require stillat/proteus

Basic Usage

The ConfigWriter facade will automatically load and manage your existing Laravel configuration files, and dramatically simplifies the usage of the configuration writer:



// Change the default locale to 'fr' and save to disk:
ConfigWriter::write('app.locale', 'fr');

// Add a new nested entry:
ConfigWriter::write('', 'new-value');

// And then update that new entry:
ConfigWriter::write('', 'updated-value');

You may also write many configuration items at once:



ConfigWriter::writeMany('app', [
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'

If you only want the document contents (without writing to disk), you may use the preview and previewMany counterparts:



$document = ConfigWriter::preview('app.locale', 'fr');

$document = ConfigWriter::previewMany('app', [
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'

Preventing Changes to Configuration Items

You may use the guard method to prevent changes to specific configuration entries:




If a change is detected for app.key, an instance of GuardedConfigurationMutationException will be thrown.

You may also restrict changes on entire configuration namespaces:




Or to just a sub-section of the configuration:




Enabling Function Rewrites

Changes to function calls (such as env) can are disabled by default. To enable them, you may call the ignoreFunctionCalls method with false:



// Calls to env, and other functions, will be updated.
ConfigWriter::ignoreFunctionCalls(false)->writeMany('app', [
    'key' => 'new-value',
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'

Preserving Configuration Values

You may ignore certain configuration value updates by using the preserve method. The preserve method accepts an array of strings (dot notation is also supported!).



// Changes to locale and timezone will be ignored, since they will be preserved.
    'locale', 'timezone'
])->writeMany('app', [
    'locale' => 'fr',
    'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'

Intermediate Usage

For more control to remove, replace, and even merge array values with existing configuration values, we can use the edit helper method. This helper method expects a configuration namespace, and returns access to a convenient wrapper to perform a variety of configuration changes.

In the following example, we will start an edit instance for the app configuration namespace, modify a few values, and save the results to a $document variable:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

$document = ConfigWriter::edit('app')
    ->set('locale', 'fr')
    ->set('timezone', 'Europe/Paris')

We can save ourselves some keystrokes by supplying a key/value pair to the set method:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

$document = ConfigWriter::edit('app')
        'locale' => 'fr',
        'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'  

To save the changes instead of assigning them to a value, we can call save instead of preview:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

        'locale' => 'fr',
        'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'  

Removing Existing Configuration Values

You may use the remove method to remove an existing configuration item:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;


This method will also remove the configuration key from the configuration file - not just the value!

Replacing an Existing Configuration Value

You may use the replace method to completely replace an existing configuration item:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

ConfigWriter::edit('app')->replace('providers', [
    // The new list of providers.

Merging Array Configuration Items

You may use the merge method to add new values to an existing configuration item. For example, the following would add the SomeProvider and SomeOtherProvider class providers to the list of application providers:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

ConfigWriter::edit('app')->merge('providers', [

The merge method will make sure there are no duplicates in the resulting configuration values.

Performing Multiple Actions

You may perform multiple actions at once by chaining them. Chained actions are performed in the order they are specified.


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

        'locale' => 'fr',
        'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris'  
    ])->merge('providers', [
    ])->set('fallback_locale', 'fr')->save();

Writing Function Calls to Configuration Files

You may also write Laravel function calls as part of the generated configuration by using the f helper method:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->basePath('relative'));

The configuration output would then be similar to the following:

return [

    'path' => base_path('relative'),


The following functions are available:


use Stillat\Proteus\Support\Facades\ConfigWriter;

// base_path
ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->basePath('relative'));

// storage_path
ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->storagePath('relative'));

// app_path
ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->appPath('relative'));

// config_path
ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->configPath('relative'));

// database_path
ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->databasePath('relative'));

// public_path
ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->publicPath('relative'));

// resource_path
ConfigWriter::write('custom.path', ConfigWriter::f()->resourcePath('relative'));

Advanced Usage

Given the following input configuration file:

return [

    'key' => env('APP_KEY'),


We can manually create a configuration updater and apply our changes manually:

use Stillat\Proteus\ConfigUpdater;

$updater = new ConfigUpdater();
    'key' => 'new-key',
    'new' => [
        'deeply' => [
            'nested' => [
                'key' => [

$newConfigContents = $updater->getDocument();

After running, $newConfigContents would contain output similar to the following:


return [

    'key' => env('APP_KEY', 'new-key'),
    'new' => [
        'deeply' => [
            'nested' => [
                'key' => [


And yes, it did add the new-key value as the default value for the env call instead of replacing the lookup key :)


  • Attempts to preserve most file formatting,
  • Handles adding new simple keys,
  • Handles adding new deeply nested keys,
  • Allows for appending configuration files to an existing configuration array,
  • Allows for overwriting configuration files in an existing configuration array,
  • Simple ConfigWriter facade

Road Map

There will undoubtedly be changes required overtime, and if you find something not working, please open an issue with the input you are supplying and the expected results. Bonus points if you add a test case for it :)
