sugiphp / sugi
SugiPHP Micro Framework
- php: >=5.3
- leafo/lessphp: 0.3.*
- sugiphp/assets: dev-master
- sugiphp/cache: dev-master
- sugiphp/config: dev-master
- sugiphp/container: dev-master
- sugiphp/cron: dev-master
- sugiphp/database: dev-master
- sugiphp/events: dev-master
- sugiphp/filesystem: dev-master
- sugiphp/filter: dev-master
- sugiphp/http: dev-master
- sugiphp/logger: dev-master
- sugiphp/routing: dev-master
- swiftmailer/swiftmailer: 4.3.*
- symfony/yaml: 2.2.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-24 08:49:35 UTC
Sugi is a micro framework using SugiPHP Components as well as some other components. It works as a Dependency Injection Container and it is very flexible.
Hello World! example
<?php $app = new \SugiPHP\Sugi\App(); $app->route("HelloWorld", "/hello", function () { echo "Hello World!"; }); $app->run(); ?>
composer require sugiphp/sugi:dev-master
Defined paths
<?php use SugiPHP\Sugi\App; // Instantiate SugiPHP Application: $app = new App(["base_path" => dirname(__DIR__) . "/"]); // Or use Singleton pattern: $app = App::getInstance(); ?>
PSR-3 Logger
The App is using SugiPHP\Logger by default, which is PSR-3 compliant. To use logger you can use one lazy method: log(string $level, string $message, array $context = [])
, or use the instance app["logger"]
to access methods given by the specification:
<?php $app->log("debug", "Debug message"); $app->log("info", "user input was", $_POST); $app["logger"]->error("my error message"); $app["logger"]->setLevel("warning"); $app["logger"]->info("this will not be logged"); ?>
PSR-7 Requests
The App is PSR-7 compatible and is using zendframework/zend-diactoros internally. You can plug any other PSR-7 compatible library for ServerRequest (instance of \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface.)
<?php $app["request"] = new \Your\ServerRequest(); ?>
The URI is an instance of \Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface, so you can use:
<?php $app["uri"]->getHost(); $app["uri"]->getPath(); ?>
and all other PSR-7 UriInterface methods. Note that manipulating an $app["uri"] will not change it's value:
<?php echo $app["uri"]->getPath(); // "/" echo $app["uri"]->withPath("/foo/bar")->getPath(); // "/foo/bar" echo $app["uri"]->getPath(); // "/" // to override it: $app["uri"] = $app["uri"]->withPath("/foo"); echo $app["uri"]->getPath(); // "/foo" ?>
The default cache is a virtual cache that is only available till the end of the script. All values can be set and get with one method cache()
<?php $app->cache("key", "value"); echo $app->cache("key"); // returns "value" // to access all methods for the cache you can use: $app["cache"]->has("key"); // returns TRUE ?>
By default Sugi is using SugiPHP Cache. To set up Sugi to use memcached server you can use a configuration file /path/to/config/cache.php
return [
"store" => "memcached",
"host" => "",
"port" => 11211,
"prefix" => "myprefix",
See config file example