
PHP project.

1.0.0 2018-01-03 11:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 08:59:32 UTC


travis-ci-badge packagist-dt-badge license-badge release-version-badge code-climate-maintainability-badge code-climate-test-coverage-badge php-version-badge

This is where your library description should go. Try to limit it to a paragraph or two.


  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. ...


$ composer require suin/skeleton


// Some example code here

See more examples, visit ./example folder.


Please see CHANGELOG for more details.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details.

Followings should be deleted when you publish your library.


A template repository for kicking start PHP library development.


  • Unit testing ready
    • PHPUnit
    • Livexample: Ensures your example codes works well by unit testing.
    • Cross PHP version testing powered by Docker containers
      • From PHP 5.3 to PHP 7.2 or later
  • Code quality tools bundled
  • Ready for collaboration
    • PHP-CS-Fixer
    • Well-configured Git
      • .gitattributes
      • .gitignore
      • .gitmessage
    • Travis CI integration
    • Code coverage reports powered by Code Climate
    • Automated code review powered by Code Climate
  • Reusable documents

How to use this

git clone ./your-lib-name
cd ./your-lib-name
rm -rf .git
git init
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit."

Setting up Travis CI

: Install travis client
gem install travis

: Authenticate your travis account
travis login

: Triggers a new sync with GitHub
travis sync

: Enable CI
travis enable

: Visit CI dashboard
travis open

Submitting this package to Packagist

  1. Visit
  • Enter repository URL.
  • Set up GitHub Integrations & services.
  • Check if the package is distributed: composer show -a suin/skeleton

Codeclimate code coverage setting

  • Add repository to Codeclimate.
  • Get test reporter ID from "Settings" → "Test coverage" → "TEST REPORTER ID".
  • Set Travis CI environment.
travis env set CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID <your reporter id>