
A PHP package mainly developed for Laravel to generate sort link(s).

2.0.1 2015-08-15 22:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 06:10:57 UTC


A PHP package mainly developed for Laravel to generate sort link(s).
(This is for Laravel 5+. For Laravel 4.2)

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Add this package name in composer.json

"require": {
  "sukohi/caruta": "2.*"

Execute composer command.

composer update

Register the service provider in app.php

'providers' => [

Also alias

'aliases' => [
    'Caruta'   => Sukohi\Caruta\Facades\Caruta::class


Minimal way

{{ \Caruta::links('your-column-name') }}

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with Options

echo \Caruta::url('')  
    ->text('↑', '↓')  
		'key1' => 'value1',  
		'key2' => 'value2',  
		'key3' => 'value3'  
	->keys('order', 'direction')
	->links('column_name', $separator = ''); 
  • All methods except links() are optional. See methods

Single Text Way

If you set the third argument like the below, only one link will be displayed.

    '<i class="fa fa-sort-asc"></i>',  
    '<i class="fa fa-sort-desc"></i>',  
    '<i class="fa fa-sort"></i>'


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Sort with model
With model(Eloquent), you can automatically set "ORDER BY" like the below.

$items = \App\Item::select('id', 'title');
$items = \Caruta::sort($items, 
    ['id', 'title', 'created_at'], 
    ['updated_at', 'asc']
  • The second argument(Array) means that except specific column name(s) will be ignored to set "ORDER BY" for secure.
  • The third argument(Array) will be used for default. And direction canbe asc and desc

Note: If you changed the parameter name "ORDER BY" to other using keys() method, you also need to set it in this case as well.


  • url($url)

$url is base URL that will be included in href property.

  • text($one, $two)

$one and $two are text that will be included in link tag.

e.g. <a href="****">YOUR-TEXT</a>

  • appends($values)

$values is additional values that you want to include in link URL.



This package is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright 2014 Sukohi Kuhoh