
v12.0.0 2024-10-23 11:02 UTC


Use the following commands to create a new project:

composer create-project sumocoders/application-skeleton my_project
git init
git add .
git commit -n -m "Initial commit"

Start you project by running:

symfony serve
npm run watch



Open deploy.php and check the configuration, replace the example values (prefixed with $) with correct values.

Try to deploy to staging by running:

symfony php vendor/bin/deployer.phar deploy staging

Log in through ssh on the dev-server and alter the .env.local-file to use the correct credentials.

Continuous deployment to staging

Each time something is merged into the staging branch it can be deployed automatically. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the project in Gitlab.
  2. Open Settings → Repository → Deploy Keys.
  3. Click the tab "Privately accessible deploy keys" and enable the key called "Sumo deploy user".
  4. Open Settings → CI / CD → Variables.
  5. Add a variable called SSH_PRIVATE_KEY, the value can be found in 1Password under "Sumo Deploy User private key". You can check the "Protect variable" flag.
  6. Add a variable called SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS, the value should be the output of ssh-keyscan -H
  7. Open .gitlab-ci.yaml, scroll to Deploy - to staging.
  8. Alter the url under environment → url.


Using Encore

Building assets:

# compile assets once
npm run dev

# or, recomile assets automatically when files change
npm run watch

# on deploy, create a production build
npm run build

For more information about Encore, see the official documentation.


We use panther to add functional tests to our project. By default, a page response 200 should be tested on al pages. To do this you can add your urls to the providePublicUrls and/or provideLoggedInUrls.

Working on the Skeleton

Testing create-project locally

There is a test-script scripts/ which you can use:


This will create a new project that uses the commited code in the selected branch. The new project will be located in the TARGETDIR

Kudos to beporter.