
SunMailer helps you to send email easily.

v1.4 2015-09-07 12:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 18:09:32 UTC


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SunMailer helps you to send email easily.

Installation Process

Just copy SunMailer folder somewhere into your project directory. Then include SunMailer autoloader.


SunMailer is also available via Composer/Packagist.

  composer require sun/sunmailer


Open config.php file located at SunMailer/config.php then,

Setup your SMTP Server ( Default set to Gmail SMTP )

'host'           => '',
'port'           =>  465,
'encryption'     => 'ssl',

Setup your username and password:

'username'      => '',
'password'      => 'secret',

You can also add your “from” and “reply” which will include email & name.

'from'  => [ 'email' => '', 'name' => 'Administrator' ],
'reply' => [ 'email' => '', 'name' => 'Information' ],

Setup your email view directory. If you do not add any path of the view directory then it's pointing your root directory.

'view-directory'  => 'app/view'

If you want to test your email locally just set log to true. ( Default set to false )

'log'   => false

Send basic email

// namespace
use SunMailer\Mailer;
use SunMailer\View;
use SunMailer\MailerException;

$email      =   '';
$name       =   'Test mail name';
$subject    =   'Test mail subject';
$body       =   'Test mail body';
    if(Mailer::send($email, $name, $subject, $body))
        echo 'Email has been sent successfully.';
catch (MailerException $e)
    echo  'Oops!!! Something goes to wrong. '. $e->getMessage();

Email with attached file

$attached   =   'images/sunmailer.jpg';
if(Mailer::send($email, $name, $subject, $body, $attached))
    echo 'Email has been sent successfully.';

Send email using view render

render() method of the View class helps you to render HTML outlook.


For pointing your file path use ( . ) or ( / ) , and add your file name without (.php) extension.

$body = View::render('email.test');
if(Mailer::send($email, $name, $subject, $body))
    echo 'Email has been sent successfully.';

You can also pass any value to the view template by the second parameter of the render() method (Default set to null).

$data  = [ 'name'  =>  'Test Name' ];
View::render('email.test', $data);

You need to add a placeholder ( added @ at the begining of your variable name ) for getting this data into view template. For the above an example is given below.


To clean log directory


Some of helper functions

// to get configuration file

// to get root directory path

// to get log directory path

// to get temp directory path


This package is licensed under the MIT License