
Simple client for taking to beanstlakd server

dev-master 2017-11-30 16:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-24 09:38:39 UTC



The preferred method of installing this library is with Composer by running the following from your project root:

$ composer require sunkan/percurri


Simple example

$connection = new Percurri\Connection($host, $port);
$logger = new Psr3Logger();

$workerClient = new Percurri\WorkerClient($connection, $logger);
$producerClient = new Percurri\ProducerClient($connection, $logger);

$data = 'test data';
$tube = 'test-tube';


$job = $workerClient->reserve();

//do job

//then delete from beanstalkd




Connection(string $host, int $port = 11300, bool $persistent = true, int $timeout = 1)

Connecting related functions

connect(): bool
disconnect(): bool
isConnected(): bool

Read from socket.

If length is specified reads that amount from buffer otherwise looks for first newline Returns raw string from buffer

read($length = null): string

Write to socket

You can specify a format if you want a payload formatted a specific way. Like this: write('put', $payload, "%d %d %d %d\r\n%s");

write(string $command, array $payload, string $format = null): int

Producer client


Logger must be an instance of a Psr3 compatible logger

__construct(Connection $connection, LoggerInterface $logger)


Priority is specified with 0 being most important and 4294967295 least important

If no tube have been selected it puts job in to default tube

put(string $data, int $pri = 100, int $delay = 0, int $ttr = 30): int

Select tube

tube(string $tube): self

Get current tube

currentTube(): string|bool

Pause tube

Prevent workers from reserving any new job in tube for delay seconds

pause(string $tube, int $delay): bool

Worker client


Logger must be an instance of a Psr3 compatible logger

__construct(Connection $connection, LoggerInterface $logger, Factory $jobFactory, DecoderInterface $decoder)

Watch tube

Select tubes to watch. Returns number of tubes in watch list

watch(string $tube): int

Ignore tube

Remove tube from watch list

ignore(string $tube): int|false

List tubes watched

listTubes(): array

Reserve job

If timeout is specified will only wait that long for a job

reserve(int $timeout = null): JobInterface

Delete job

idOrJob can either be an instance of JobInterface or an integer

delete($idOrJob): bool

Release job

Puts a reserved job back into the ready queue.

idOrJob can either be an instance of JobInterface or an integer

release($idOrJob, int $pri, int $delay): bool

Bury job

idOrJob can either be an instance of JobInterface or an integer

bury($idOrJob, int $pri): bool

Touch job

Worker request more time to work on job

idOrJob can either be an instance of JobInterface or an integer

touch($idOrJob, int $pri): bool

Peek job

Look at job but don't reserves it

idOrJob can either be an instance of JobInterface or an integer

peek($idOrJob): JobInterface

Peek ready queue

peekReady(): JobInterface

Peek delayed job

peekDelayed(): JobInterface

Peek buried queue

peekBuried(): JobInterface

Kick job from buried queue

bound number of jobs to kick into ready queue

kick(int $bound): int

Kick job

Kick job into ready queue

idOrJob can either be an instance of JobInterface or an integer

kickJob($idOrJob): JobInterface

Stats client


Logger must be an instance of a Psr3 compatible logger

__construct(Connection $connection, LoggerInterface $logger, DecoderInterface $decoder)

Stats about job

idOrJob can either be an instance of JobInterface or an integer

statsJob($idOrJob): array

Stats about tube

statsTube(string $tube): array

Stats about system

stats(): array

List available tubes

listTubes(): array