
Automatically generate PHP Swagger comments from Laravel's Controller, Model, and form requests.

v0.0.11 2022-02-15 18:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 08:49:50 UTC



Auto-generate Swagger-PHP comments from models. Automatically generate Swagger-PHP comments using routing, form requests, and small annotations.


composer require --dev suzunone/l-auto-comment-for-php-swagger
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AutoCommentForPHPSwagger\LAutoCommentForPHPSwaggerServiceProvider" --tag=config


  • openapi:info-comment
    • Create OA\Info file
  • openapi:security-comment
    • Create Security Setting file
  • openapi:create-model-to-schema
  • openapi:file-to-annotation
    • Create a comment definition from yaml or json
  • openapi:swagger-commen

openapi annotation

Small annotations can be used instead of the very large Swagger-PHP format comments.

By writing in each method of Controller, Swagger-PHP style annotations are automatically generated from FormRequest and routing.



  • @property-read {TYPE} {VARIABLE NAME} {DESCRIPTION}

    Describes the parameters to be received in the request, the same as property in PHP Doc

  • @openapi-in {REQUEST IN} {VARIABLE NAME} Specify the parameter location for the in field. If it is not specified, in="query" will be given.

  • @openapi-content {MIME} {FORMAT} {DESCRIPTION} When using request()->getContent(), you can specify the contents of content. You can specify more than one, but only one description will be used.


  • @openapi

    Describes if you want to include the openapi:swagger-commen target.

  • @openapi-tags

    Describe the API tag.

    Can be multiple.

    If omitted, it will be automatically generated from the controller name, etc.


    You can describe the response of the API.

    Specify a pre-prepared schemas.

    schemas can be nested.

    Multiple entries can be made by changing the HTTP STATUS

  • @openapi-response-type {HTTP STATUS} {RESPONSE TYPE} {CONTENT TYPE}

    The response type can be specified. You can choose from json xml media-type, and if you choose media-type, you can specify the content type. If there is more than one response type, multiple responses can be listed. If omitted, json will be used.

  • @openapi-ignore-session-cookie

  • @openapi-session-cookie

    Toggle whether to use session cookies.

  • @openapi-ignore-csrf-header

  • @openapi-csrf-header

    Toggle whether to use CSRF headers.

  • @openapi-security {securityScheme} {SCOPES(comma-separated)}

  • @openapi-security {Security setting json}

    Security settings to use

A very simple example

     * Here is the description of the API
     * @openapi
     * @openapi-tags TAG-A
     * @openapi-tags TAG-B
     * @openapi-response 200 #/components/schemas/ExampleModel Success
     * @openapi-response 400 #/components/schemas/Error Bad Request
     * @openapi-response 403 #/components/schemas/Error Forbidden
     * @openapi-response 404 #/components/schemas/Error Not Found
     * @openapi-response 405 #/components/schemas/Error Invalid Input
 * @OA\Get(
 *   tags={"TAG-A", "TAG-B"},
 *   operationId="exampleIndex",
 *   path="/api/example",
 *   description="Here is the description of the API",
 *   @OA\Response(
 *     response="200",
 *     description="Success",
 *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/ExampleModel")
 *   ),
 *   @OA\Response(
 *     response="400",
 *     description="Bad Request",
 *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CommonError")
 *   ),
 *   @OA\Response(
 *     response="403",
 *     description="Forbidden",
 *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CommonError")
 *   ),
 *   @OA\Response(
 *     response="404",
 *     description="Not Found",
 *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CommonError")
 *   ),
 *   @OA\Response(
 *     response="405",
 *     description="Invalid Input",
 *     @OA\JsonContent(ref="#/components/schemas/CommonError")
 *   ),
 * )

Nest Response Usage

Single Nest

@openapi-response 200 #/components/schemas/ExampleModel&foo_model=#/components/schemas/FooModel&bar_mode=#/components/schemas/BarModel


@openapi-response 200 #/components/schemas/ExampleModel&foo_model[#/components/schemas/FooModel]&foo_model[bar_mode]=#/components/schemas/BarModel

Schema pattern of auto-generated Model


Excluding columns with auto-increment. Except for references to other models.


Excluding columns with auto-increment. Include references to other models.


Include auto-incrementing columns. Except for references to other models.


Include auto-incrementing columns. Include references to other models.


Array of models. Except for references to other models.


Array of models. Include references to other models.


Pagination of models. Except for references to other models.


Pagination of models. Include references to other models.